I just finished crocheting this cushion for Joe and he loves it!
This pattern was from a designer called '10 Hours or Less', so I of course, kept track of how long it took to make.
it took just over 8.5 hours to crochet. And those eight hours were broken up with half hour here, an hour there etc as I truly wanted it to be surprise and only crocheted it when I was home alone!
I really love the finishing row, it reminds me of (fabric) piping.
So, are you going to make one now? It'd make a great gift and now that you know it takes under ten hours to make one, you have no excuse!
Yarn was: this blue, this green, this red, this beige, this white.
I think this cushion would look really cool in a yarn like this for the wedges as the slow colour change would just be awesome!
In fact, this cushion actually deviates from the pattern slightly … oops but hey, I'm calling it an intentional design element!
By the way, I totally adore my son as everyday he tells me yet another reason
why he loves his new cushion "I love how it looks like a flower" "I like how it's big & squishy" "I love that you used red because red is my favourite colour" "I love using it to lean on whilst I'm reading" etc etc
why he loves his new cushion "I love how it looks like a flower" "I like how it's big & squishy" "I love that you used red because red is my favourite colour" "I love using it to lean on whilst I'm reading" etc etc

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