Ahh, it's time to think about a Val, a Valentine-along where you make/do/buy something just.for.you.
This is the fifth year that I've been doing the Val and I enjoy it every time! I started back here & have made over the years:
2014 - a knitted wrap & I now use it all the time, all year round!
2015 - a small shawl ...and to be honest, I still haven't used it yet.... oops!
2016 - my first bag and I use it all the freakin' time, I LOVE it!
2017 - Double Zip Gear Bag and I use it every night as it holds my current crochet project
2018 -- hmm, what shall I make this year? I actually bought myself this online class & I can't wait to get started filling my shelves with all these (hopefully) gorgeous lovelies!
Why did I start the VAL? Well, I often got frustrated that the day (Valentines Day) meant more to me than to my hubby, even after 21 years together! So I learnt not to depend on someone else for Valentines Day spoils, instead gave myself this one day a year to do something for me. Remember in life we often do things for other people or we have expectations for them that they might not adhere too, so here is a chance to be your own Valentine!
Will you join in and do a VAL for yourself too?
Yes?? Awesome!!
What are the rules? How do I join in?
Rules? There are no rules, well, not really mainly just suggestions
... you must make something for yourself (not for your Valentine but for you)...
... you must make something that you will love or something that you have coveted
... and you must start it on Valentines Day or at least do some of it on Valentines Day!
See, not many rules and heck, I don't care if you start this now ...just make something for yourself!
Do you like the knitted heart?
I knitted it from this pattern, using this soft squishy yarn.

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