07 November, 2016

A blanket fit for a princess!

So what is this rolled up blanket and how could it be fit for a princess?
Well, let's unroll it and find out!

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Taa daa ...I bet you weren't expecting that! 
A full on princess crocheted into a blanket and yes, it is for my lil Laney cos she is my princess!

I've been eyeing the pattern off for a year or two but finally succumbed to temptation and hooked it up as a present for Laney this coming Christmas.

Ok, so I know you are busting to make one now so pop over here for the pattern but I must tell you that I struggled with the pattern in some places. The pattern was lacking 'help' ie that much needed picture to show exactly what the designer meant by their instructions. Seriously, this blanket had me scratching my head in a few places BUT I am happy that I made it and I love the result.

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