28 June, 2016

In making and messing...

This is me sewing, it's also me 'surviving' 2yo tantrums... it's a been a week of tantrums, I need a lot of patience and sewing is calming (sometimes).  

This isn't my sewing room though, I don't have one. I truly wish I did have my own crafting studio but alas, the kids need bedrooms so I'm stuck on the corner of the kitchen table.  Being in the kitchen means that I have to look at the dirty dishes, so they must get done first. Then the lunches must be made. Then the dinner prepped. Then the dinner cooked. Then 'can I have a biccie Mumma" and the "can I have a drink Mumma" and then "when are we eating Mumma" ... 
I'm not even going to talk about all the tantrums that my daughter has been having, she is a real screamer and she is quite good at making her face turn blue and she is a hitter too and a slapper. Ouch.
Patience and back to sewing.
So, this is what my kitchen table looks like all the time....
**excuse the scrappy looking chair but it's actually an antique that was given to hubby, we didn't paint it though - that is how it was given to us**
We haven't eaten at the kitchen table since Christmas dinner... I know that is lazy but hey, nothing quite makes a point of "Mumma needs her own crafty space" then this crazy mess. In fact, when you open the front door, it's one of the first things you see and I'm hoping that hubby will get sick of it and then make me some proper space, fingers crossed!
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So, what have I been making or planning?

~ the fabric above, I found in the back of my stash.. how could I not have made it up before now is a mystery, so I spent the night cutting it and hopefully it will be a tote bag really soon

~ I've also cut the fabric for the Marie dress and hope to finish it today

~  I'm not happy with my current pin cushion, it's useless and keeps falling over so I thought I'd buy a magnetic one but geesh, they are more expensive than I thought they'd be (in Aussie dollars they are anyway)

~ I've got to hurry and finish my crochet blanket, the baby is due this week ...oops, I kinda put it on the backburner and am now paying the price for it. I need some speedy hooky skills!

What have you been up too?  Where do you sew? Do you have a knitting nook?


  1. Gorgeous blanket !

  2. I am working on this same blanket, but with fingering-weight yarn doubled up. It's pretty heavy already and I think I'm only about half-way through. I love the pattern though. I love yours!

    1. Ooh, it would be lovely in fingering weight yarn.

  3. Oh honey, I feel for you. For six years I've been waiting for someone to help turn my messy work corner into an office, and it's long since spilled onto the dinner table. At least we're way past the 'terrible two' stage, but they still always need something when I'm busy. It gets better, though.

    PS, if you really want a magnetic pincushion, sometimes you can find magnetic tool trays for just a few dollars. They're pretty much the same thing but bigger, stronger, and they don't come in pretty colors.

    1. Thanks Jenny. I actually managed to clear the dining table of fabric yesterday...to then be covered up again with more fabric. sigh.


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