In fact, I don't even iron hubby's business shirts, nope they get a good flick when they come out of the washing machine and then are hang straight to dry so no ironing is needed but with all this crazy sewing I've been doing lately, my iron is out a lot! ..yeah, ironic
The iron was forever sitting on the kitchen bench waiting to cool down so I could put it away and hubby was getting annoyed that I would then forget to put it away and he would move it to some weird spot that took me forever to find. I needed to find a way to put my iron away whilst it was still hot.. and I found the solution.
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This nifty little bag is an iron carry bag and ironing pad all in one. I can fold up the iron pad and carry it (then store it) whilst it's still hot, no more waiting on the kitchen counter whilst it cools down.
The fabric I found in my stash, the little people reminded me of how one can become 'tied to the ironing' and the pink binding was left over from this bag. The big buttons I used on it were...umm.. (feeling a little guilty here).. from a stash of buttons that I bought for Laney. She likes to sit and play with them, make designs, stack them up, count them etc, I just hope she won't notice 2 are missing!
To open it up, just undo the buttons and it folds flat to reveal your iron and the ironing pad, super clever idea!
You buy the pattern as part of a kit (from either here or here) and it comes with the 'special' silver ironing fabric.
I'll be doing a review of the actual pattern soon, so keep an eye for it but in the meantime tell me how you store your iron!
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