31 December, 2016
Shruggy show off and some tips to make it.
I'm also adding a couple of tips on how to make this shrug as I found the pattern to be slightly confusing and wanted to help out others with these two handy tips.
26 December, 2016
tis the season to save!
18 December, 2016
My Gift To You!
13 December, 2016
Making a Makers Case
03 December, 2016
A 5 year old Granny.
30 November, 2016
22 November, 2016
because everybody loves a sale
10 November, 2016
Mr Cactus
07 November, 2016
A blanket fit for a princess!
Well, let's unroll it and find out!
22 October, 2016
Sorry but I'm just not that into you
13 October, 2016
four before the two
...it's my birthday today and because I've gotten so old, I've decided to give you a present!
10 October, 2016
04 October, 2016
A baby for my baby
30 September, 2016
A school jumper... kinda
Anyway, I decided on this pattern from my e-stash and decided to make Joe a jumper for school seeing as school clothes is what he wears the most often.
Hunting for bottle green fabric proved a little harder than expected but finally I got some and then I set about cutting it out and sewing ... and then well, the disappointment.
I don't like the jumper. The pattern is too narrow in the torso and too long in the sleeves.
Joe can't get himself into or out of the jumper, so I've ditched it to the side of his bedroom even though he keeps asking to wear it.
I'd love your feedback, what else should I add to these Crafty Inspo lists?
I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting.
If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you.
So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links!Many thanks, Rie
27 September, 2016
a needle wallet
The pattern was super easy to make.
Well, for a starters, it will provide a handy storage for singular sewing needles and provide a spot for those silly little packets of needles. You can use the grid provided & print it onto fabric. There are two different types of grids, one for sewing machine needles and the other for hand-stitching needles. Instead of using the grid provided (which would have been really simple to do), I decided to use the fancy lettering stitches on my sewing machine. I've had my sewing machine for over 20 years and have only used the lettering when I first got it!

You could also add the strap (that is part of the pattern) but I knew I wouldn't be using that, so I missed that step and I really like the effect of the elastic closure.
So, stop what you are doing and go & grab the pattern and make your sewing space tidier!
I'd love it if you popped over to my YouTube channel & subscribed to it & even liked some of my videos. Every like, every follower, every comment is like a great big hug!
If you need more Crafty Inspo, then check out my shoppable lists here....
I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you. So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie
23 September, 2016
17 September, 2016
Making a making list ...& checking it twice
16 September, 2016
Fabric bowl/pouch
06 September, 2016
Topsy Turvy
..what is the secret? She is a Topsy-Turvy doll!
17 August, 2016
A pressie for my Mum
I made her a bag, in her colours so I hope she likes it because they are the exact opposite of my colours! I also popped in a vinyl front on the first pocket and then covered a boo-boo with buttons!
I still hold true to my review of the bag pattern here... The pattern for this bag is absolutely shockingly terrible to understand & if I could, I would have ask for a refund..... but after I've seen the designer bully other customers, I'm not game to become one of her victims.
If you wonder why I don't want to spread joy about this bag, here is a screenshot where the designer bullied a customer for asking about her order in a Facebook group that was especially for the orders:
If you need more Crafty Inspo, then check out my shoppable lists here....
I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting. If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you. So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links! Many thanks, Rie
12 August, 2016
Rainbow Blanket
And speaking of my baby girl (who turns 3 next month), here she is modelling the new blanket:
Isn't she the cutest?!
Anyway, one last shot of the blanket before I say farewell for today.
I utilise affiliate (aff) links throughout my blog as a way to help me keep crafting.
If you click on an aff link, I receive a very small amount from it at NO cost to you.
So please help me to keep CraftyRie up and running by clicking on my aff links!Many thanks, Rie
07 August, 2016
27 July, 2016
In making
25 July, 2016
Pants for two
19 July, 2016
200grams of crazy colour
I had a sudden urge to experiment with changing my dyeing technique during the week and produced these massive balls of crazy colours.
11 July, 2016
Sometimes when I get it right, I get it right.
07 July, 2016
30 June, 2016
Hey look, I made mistake!
28 June, 2016
In making and messing...
This isn't my sewing room though, I don't have one. I truly wish I did have my own crafting studio but alas, the kids need bedrooms so I'm stuck on the corner of the kitchen table. Being in the kitchen means that I have to look at the dirty dishes, so they must get done first. Then the lunches must be made. Then the dinner prepped. Then the dinner cooked. Then 'can I have a biccie Mumma" and the "can I have a drink Mumma" and then "when are we eating Mumma" ...
I'm not even going to talk about all the tantrums that my daughter has been having, she is a real screamer and she is quite good at making her face turn blue and she is a hitter too and a slapper. Ouch.
So, this is what my kitchen table looks like all the time....
**excuse the scrappy looking chair but it's actually an antique that was given to hubby, we didn't paint it though - that is how it was given to us**
We haven't eaten at the kitchen table since Christmas dinner... I know that is lazy but hey, nothing quite makes a point of "Mumma needs her own crafty space" then this crazy mess. In fact, when you open the front door, it's one of the first things you see and I'm hoping that hubby will get sick of it and then make me some proper space, fingers crossed!
~ the fabric above, I found in the back of my stash.. how could I not have made it up before now is a mystery, so I spent the night cutting it and hopefully it will be a tote bag really soon
~ I've also cut the fabric for the Marie dress and hope to finish it today
~ I'm not happy with my current pin cushion, it's useless and keeps falling over so I thought I'd buy a magnetic one but geesh, they are more expensive than I thought they'd be (in Aussie dollars they are anyway)
~ I've got to hurry and finish my crochet blanket, the baby is due this week ...oops, I kinda put it on the backburner and am now paying the price for it. I need some speedy hooky skills!
What have you been up too? Where do you sew? Do you have a knitting nook?
23 June, 2016
21 June, 2016
A cute way to store my iron
In fact, I don't even iron hubby's business shirts, nope they get a good flick when they come out of the washing machine and then are hang straight to dry so no ironing is needed but with all this crazy sewing I've been doing lately, my iron is out a lot! ..yeah, ironic
The iron was forever sitting on the kitchen bench waiting to cool down so I could put it away and hubby was getting annoyed that I would then forget to put it away and he would move it to some weird spot that took me forever to find. I needed to find a way to put my iron away whilst it was still hot.. and I found the solution.