Here are the current parts that I've done (previous updates here & here)

Btw, isn't the fabric just divine!
Part 6 was in a previous update.
Part 7 is cute, I think they look like the tops of fence posts!
Ugh, part 8. I know some people love the Flying Geese but geesh, my geese are all over the place. If, at the end, I'm still not happy with them & have time I will remake but these will do until then.
Part 9 is this half Dresden flower which I think is kinda cute and yes, it's wonky but I'm not going to straighten the edges until the very end.
Part 10 are these pentagons which I finished last night.
I think, from memory, there are 13 or 14 parts released so far so I'm only a few weeks behind.
Also, to make my life easier, I bought this.....
and gosh, why didn't anyone ever tell me about how much easier life would be with a quarter inch foot before! seams are now straight & even, which would have been really helpful for those flying geese!