30 December, 2015

Taa daa... A pretty summery dress for Laney

I needed to take some time out, so I decided to sew my lil girl, Laney, a dress and because it was the very first dress I had ever made, I opted for a vintage sheet as the fabric instead of the fancy shmancy expensive fabric that I have waiting to be used!
Now, not wanting to toot my own trumpet ..but... I think it looks pretty ace!  The pattern was a little fiddly but I think with practice I will get better at it as I'm already planning colour schemes for making another!
My model wouldn't stay still for a shot though, not even bribery of a cracker was going to work, so we threw that idea away and decided to head to town.

The vintage sheet fabric was an awesome fabric to use because it was already soft & flowing rather than the stiff new stuff you get (cos I don't prewash!). So, of course, I have been scrolling thru the internet to find some more as the colours & patterns are just gorgeous, check these ones out!

And to finish our trip out, of course there has to be a giant cookie involved!

You should grab the sewing pattern for the girls in your life as it goes from size 1 (what Laney is wearing) up to size 10. The pattern is a pdf and you can print out all the sizes on the one pattern OR you can just print the size you need. 

24 December, 2015

Handmade Gifts: a cloth doll

I've been getting friendly with my sewing machine and whipped up this doll for my lil girl and of course, I didn't use a pattern!

22 December, 2015

Win yourself a treat! | Giveaway

My gift to you, just head to Crafting With CraftyRie on Ravelry here.... to enter!

Handmade Gifts: a wooden doll pram

Wanting to buy less plastic and give more handmade, we (hubby, Joe & I) got together and made a doll pram for lil Laney. 

16 December, 2015

Miniature travelling teddy

I wanted to make something extra special for Joe for his birthday, something that he can treasure and be just for him. After putting my thinking cap on, I came up with the Travelling Teddy.

15 December, 2015

Teachers gifts... I think - what do you think?

I desperately need your opinion as I'm having major self-doubts right now. I made some presents as teacher gifts for Joe's teachers ...but are they good enough or ??

09 December, 2015

Handmade Gifts: Pillowtalk Teddy.

I made the cutest little teddy for Joe but he's not an ordinary teddy, this guy has a little secret....

07 December, 2015

PPP ...puffy pouchy pursey

 I'm feeling a little chuffed with myself, I made this from a kit - do you like it?

01 December, 2015

My sewing evolution.

I sat down at my sewing machine, intent on making myself some pouches to start to organise my stuff...what happened to me was somewhat a miracle!

26 November, 2015

Mystery Sewing

You know me, so many projects on the go that I'm struggling to keep up with my MSAL (mystery sew along) but I'm plodding along, trying to keep on track with what I have & haven't done.  

Here are the current parts that I've done (previous updates here & here)
Part 5 are these flower panels, they are supposed to have stalks but I love how the flowers are 'swimming' in the background so I decided to omit the stalks because that would draw your eye away from them ...I think anyway, do you think I should add the stalks?
Btw, isn't the fabric just divine!
Part 6 was in a previous update.
Part 7 is cute, I think they look like the tops of fence posts!

Ugh, part 8. I know some people love the Flying Geese but geesh, my geese are all over the place. If, at the end, I'm still not happy with them & have time I will remake but these will do until then.

Part 9 is this half Dresden flower which I think is kinda cute and yes, it's wonky but I'm not going to straighten the edges until the very end.

Part 10 are these pentagons which I finished last night. 
I think, from memory, there are 13 or 14 parts released so far so I'm only a few weeks behind.

Also, to make my life easier, I bought this.....
and gosh, why didn't anyone ever tell me about how much easier life would be with a quarter inch foot before! ...my seams are now straight & even, which would have been really helpful for those flying geese!

16 November, 2015

Taa daa: a very pretty jumper

Ever had the feeling of utter satisfaction when making something? Well I did, for the very first time making this!

10 November, 2015

Yarn Giveaway | Be a winner!

03 November, 2015

An EPP adventure. | English Paper Piecing, Applique, Quilt

I thought I'd document the journey that I'm currently undertaking with the mystery English Paper Piecing quilt-along that I've joined. I'm learning many new things, such as the above ..my wonky version of the applecore paper piecing - did I like it, did I enjoy it?

02 November, 2015

Challenge accepted. | One skein project

A challenge to make a one skein item within a month period. Challenge accepted. ... excepted I decided to make the challenge harder by creating a pattern especially for it!

26 October, 2015

A mystery or two...

I've decided to add to my ever-growing pile of things to do and have signed up for two mystery projects.  Have you ever done a 'mystery-along' before?

12 October, 2015

Stitchy pants

I've been busy pressing the foot down on my sewing machine and whipping up clothes for my kiddies. Yeah, I know ... I shocked myself with that too!

09 October, 2015


What the heck is Mumfrey? 

03 October, 2015


How would you like to win this awesome pile of yarn?

22 September, 2015


I'd like to introduce you to my newest thing........

17 September, 2015

Testers Wanted...

Do you feel like testing a new pattern and providing feedback? ....You can be totally honest with your feedback!

12 September, 2015

in the blink of an eye...

We had a birthday in our house this week, my lil baby girl turned two!

10 September, 2015

Are you joining in?

Ok, so I (we) may have fallen behind on our #2015SamplerBlankets and been distracted with lots of other fun things but hey.... I've found something else to distract us!  Will you join in with me?

08 September, 2015

Send more scraps

Do you see this happy lil chappy, yep my Joe made this toy!

06 September, 2015

The Great Undo (x2)

Sometimes success takes multiple of failures. Sometimes you have to admit to yourself that what you are making, no matter how many hours or thought-process has gone into it that it's just not 'working'.

02 September, 2015

Tiny shoes for tiny feet

Today we detour from crafty stuff to feet. Well, tiny feet. You see, my lil girl has tiny feet (only 12cm long) and when I want to buy her shoes, I can only find soft-soled shoes when I actually need proper shoes (with hard-soles) for walking on all sorts of surfaces just not on carpet.

30 August, 2015

Taa daa

Woot woot, I finished another dress for Laney!  This dress took me ages because not only is it fine yarn (fingering weight) but I've been sick for three months! 
Do I have you fooled thinking that I used a gradient yarn? 

28 August, 2015

and he became a pigeon

 It's bookweek here in Australia, which basically means that us parents have to rummage around in our craft cupboard and magically create a costume that represents your child's favourite character in a book.
First things first ...one favourite book?

06 August, 2015

Starting to hexify my life

I recently joined a swap over on Instagram for creating & sharing one inch hexagons, let me tell you now that I totally fell in love with the fabric!

29 July, 2015

Hello, talk to me.

My life right now is pretty boring, I seem to have the same routine day after day. I get stuck in a cycle of normalcy that I can't seem to break it. 

13 July, 2015

Taa daa

Not wanting to be boring but what is the weather like where you are?  Here in Tasmania, it's freakin' cold!  I've been sick for the past five weeks with a bad headcold and have been struggling alone with day to day stuff, not much time for fun crafty stuff.

02 July, 2015

Some awesome things

It's cold down here in right now, really cold. Brrrrrr, too cold to even knit - now that is cold! Seriously, even though it's not snowing outside my front door it still is freakin' cold, I have to walk to & from school for the school pickups pushing a pram with a coat so thick that I can barely lift my arms with the rain beating down on me soaking me to the skin... so yeah, I feel I can say that it's cold.

25 June, 2015

Storage for Penpal Correspondence

How do you store your penpal letters?  If you don't have a penpal, then maybe I'm asking you how do you store things like birthday cards or any other correspondence? I was storing my stuff in a box, then it moved to a plastic band then basically it just moved to the floor and yep, it was a mess so I decided to do something about it.

23 June, 2015

meet the Teardrop Catcher

I'd love to introduce you to this guy.....

04 June, 2015

Taa daa - a super quick make

What takes a little over two nights to knit? This does!  What is it? Ahhhh.....

03 June, 2015

Knitty stuff, a request & an apology

Wow, hello June!  Gosh, it's gotten cold here in Tasmania and the first day of winter showed no mercy. Brrrrrrrr. It's too cold to just sit here and knit, that's saying something! 

29 May, 2015

Taa daa

This took me a month to make, the month of May but what is it?

21 May, 2015

Hexing Liberty

So, what does one do when one is up to the eyeballs in projects? hmm... she starts another of course!

13 May, 2015

A trimmings challenge

Well hello there!  Trimmings? I hear you think, yep trimmings of fabric but what should I make with them?

06 May, 2015


Well hello May, didn't you just sneak up on me. Come to think of it, isn't it still March?
I've been trying to finish this blogpost for almost a week now but the weather has been so crappy - dully & grey that I haven't been able to get any photos. Well, stuff it. I've take a photo and edited it PicMonkey, so hopefully it looks ok.. does it?