06 October, 2014

Some bloggy changes

You may have noticed something different.... have you?
I've gone from this .....

to this.....

I wanted to 'spring clean' my blog. I was going to attempt to design a new banner but geesh, I just didn't have the energy not with looking after a baby & a toddler. So I popped my thinking cap on & then had a brain wave... I typed blog templates into Etsy & came up with heaps & heaps of really great templates for sale.
It took me about a week to look at them all, decide what I wanted & how it would fit with my blog then it took another couple of days getting questions answered then purchasing then installing but hey, I'm really happy with the new blog look.
Do you like it too? Do you think it represents me, CraftyRie


  1. Yay! It looks great rie!!

  2. I think it looks beautiful, really clean and stylish.

    1. Thanks! I'm going to try to keep it 'clean' & not cluttered (like my home!)


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I promise that I read every comment and reply back where I can.