22 January, 2013


I have a fab giveaway for you!  
How organised are you?   I'm not, I run my life on sticky notes & memory - so not too organised. It also doesn't help having a toddler who loves sticky notes either as he often runs off with my notes!
This giveaway will help you organise your life, if only for a year!  You can win your very own personalised planner by PersonalPlanner.com.au - how ace is that!

16 January, 2013

A quick snail...

Just a quickie blog post....
This knitted snail was knitted by my mum for my Joe on his 2nd birthday. It is knitted using leftover sock yarn. I just adore his shell!  Bubba Joe adores his snail too!
Thanks Mum!

15 January, 2013

Sock stack

My mum is awesome.  Look at the HUGE pile of socks she made for us for Christmas! Awesome huh!
Jealous yet?

She even wrapped the yarn label over each sock so I could see what yarn was used.
Mum & I have this thing you see, a thing where I buy sock yarn & give it to her... then she knits the socks and gives the knitted socks to me for birthdays & Christmas.  We are both winner then, she loves to knit socks & I hate to knit socks. I love getting knitted socks for gifts and she doesn't have to worry about buying me anything.
So tell me, do you have an arrange similar to that with someone?  

14 January, 2013


I finally finished wrestling with my Aunty Jan (sewing machine) and produced these two dog softies for bubba.

08 January, 2013

Recipe: Honeycomb

This honeycomb makes for an excellent gift, wrapped up in a pretty jar or as a surprise afternoon treat for those people that have been extra good!

This is a very quick thing to make, it is made within 10 minutes then you set it aside to set - super quick, super easy!

Honeycomb sounds like it would be a daunting/complicated thing to make, but trust me, it isn't.
I have a few tips for you though just to make things easier....
~ do NOT use a small saucepan, use a bigger one that would at least hold 5 cups of water in it easily (trust me on this bit!)
~ accurately measure the bicarb (otherwise that is all you will taste!).
~ mix the bicarb in with a knife

~ get the tray ready to put the honeycomb BEFORE you start to make it, as this stuff sets pretty quickly!

100g caster sugar
120 g golden syrup (or 4Tb but I prefer to weigh the syrup as it is so much easier)
1.5 tsp bicarb soda

~ Line a tray with baking paper.
~ In a saucepan, melt the sugar & syrup together. Swirl the pan (don't stir it) to dissolve the sugar.
~ All the mix to boil to 150 degrees (Celsius) and when it is a golden brown colour, take off the heat.
~ Add the bicarb soda to the mix, ensuring that it is stirred thoroughly - the mix will froth & bubble & increase in size.
~ Pour onto the tray & leave to set, it can be placed in the fridge to quicken the setting time.
~ Break up and either gift wrap or eat!!  It can also be covered in chocolate or crumbled over icecream....mmm, yum!

07 January, 2013

Some things

I'm the type of person that cannot do just one thing at a time, I have to have multiple things on the go such as crochet, knitting, sewing, several books that I read at once, baking and of course toddler duties too.

04 January, 2013

Taa Daa...

My neighbours just a had a baby boy (yay!), so I thought I'd whip them up some booties but because it's summer here, I crocheted them to fit a 3-6mth old so they'll fit when it's a bit cooler.

For more deets, click here.

02 January, 2013

Ta daaa

Here are the pics of the vest that I knitted for my hubby for his Christmas present.
Remember that I knitted this in 'secret' so it would be a huge surprise for my hubby.