Ok, so you remember the Universal Craft Blog Directory?
Yes, awesome!
No, hey, why not, click here for the full details...
Anyway, I just happened to pop back into it today and discovered that we're just shy of 600 craft blogs - how awesome is that! I then looked at the stats and noticed that most blogs are getting between 40 to 150 visits direct from the directory - Brilliant, Awesome & Fantastic!!
And now for some news on the directory..... it will soon move to it's own website, I say soon, but I'm working around a toddler here!! I'll let you know the progress as it develops.
In the mean time, have you visited the directory lately to check out the latest blogs?
31 March, 2012
30 March, 2012
At the mo...
At the moment, my life is a little upside down and I'm really, really tired.
You see, bubba Joe had a virus, a bad icky vomity, pooey, sleepless virus. Consequently, he wanted his Mumma lots & lots. He is well now, but he still wants his Mumma lots & lots, he wants to follow me around the house, be carried everywhere, sit at my feet, supervise my toilet visits etc etc... which is all ok, but he won't sleep without me.
So here he is, asleep on the couch next to me for his midday nap. I can't 'pressure' him into sleeping in his cot at the moment I'm just too tired for that, so this week, he's been napping on the couch next too me whilst I read a book or do some crochet. As of this weekend though, things will change...... (I hope, fingers crossed anyway!)
Oh and for extra added fun, Dadda got the virus too... (so I had too sick babies!!!)
You see, bubba Joe had a virus, a bad icky vomity, pooey, sleepless virus. Consequently, he wanted his Mumma lots & lots. He is well now, but he still wants his Mumma lots & lots, he wants to follow me around the house, be carried everywhere, sit at my feet, supervise my toilet visits etc etc... which is all ok, but he won't sleep without me.
So here he is, asleep on the couch next to me for his midday nap. I can't 'pressure' him into sleeping in his cot at the moment I'm just too tired for that, so this week, he's been napping on the couch next too me whilst I read a book or do some crochet. As of this weekend though, things will change...... (I hope, fingers crossed anyway!)
Oh and for extra added fun, Dadda got the virus too... (so I had too sick babies!!!)
28 March, 2012
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome
I found this on Etsy, had to share it cos it's just so AWESOME!!
..and well worth every penny too.
And here are some of her other designs too, check them out!
27 March, 2012
Label Help
Ok, I give up! I've been trying to find some labels to sew into my finished crafty stuff, but I just can't find a decent website, so I'm asking help from my bloggy friends... HELP!
I don't mind if the logo's are printed or embroidered - just that they have great options for ordering. I don't have a proper EPS logo for my label (but I'm thinking of getting one).
I'm about to give up again - yep again, I've been trying to find a good source for my labels for ages!
PLEASE HELP ME...... who do you use for your labels?
I don't mind if the logo's are printed or embroidered - just that they have great options for ordering. I don't have a proper EPS logo for my label (but I'm thinking of getting one).
I'm about to give up again - yep again, I've been trying to find a good source for my labels for ages!
PLEASE HELP ME...... who do you use for your labels?
26 March, 2012
Just thought I'd quickly show you this... this is how I found myself counting crochet rows!
There were only 32 rows to count, so it made it the full length of a crochet hook, luckily it wasn't a 132 rows, that would have been a tiresome & somewhat confusing count!
There were only 32 rows to count, so it made it the full length of a crochet hook, luckily it wasn't a 132 rows, that would have been a tiresome & somewhat confusing count!
23 March, 2012
I've been thinking a lot about stuff lately. Weird stuff. Good stuff. Stupid stuff. Stuff stuff.
Here are some of the conclusions that I've come to...
Corn packaging
Did you know that some 'plastic' containers are made from corn and are completely bio-degradable. Why don't they make them all like that? The product I'm talking about is Organic Care's 3in1 Conditioning Shampoo & Bodywash, I like it, it's designed for the ultimate quick shower with 1 product doing 3 things, brilliant huh!
Now, I'm NOT a big advocate in the Government putting fluoride into our drinking water and then it's also in our toothpaste.. but there's a toothpaste that I discovered that doesn't have Fluoride in it AND it's not just mint flavoured, in fact it's pineapple flavoured... why is 99% of toothpaste mint flavoured?? Oh & the brand is Snappy Jaws.
Having just bought a house and we are now moved in, we are thinking about renovating. But wait, no we're not, we're actually thinking of NOT renovating because we can put up with the pink tinted and the yellow tinted paint and the dark brown trims - the paint is perfectly ok, so what if the colour is a little dated, it's fine for now.
Hair dye
I was thinking of not dying my hair anymore... then I looked in the mirror and saw all the greys poking out & thought stuff it, I'm still going to dye it Why should I look old when I don't feel old! And no, I'm not going for Henna, I like the quick, easy dye where it's done in 15mins!
Two people called me crazy for using cloth nappies. Huh. I think they're crazy for thinking & saying that. It wasn't very nice of them. It made me start to wonder what was wrong with me for using cloth. But ok, in the end I thought stuff it, my baby, my washing load, cloth nappies for me. BTW, we use disposables at night & for day trips. Here's the cloth nappies that I use...
I've decided that at gift-giving time, all presents to adults will be hand-made (where possible) and preferably consumable so that 'gift' that I made doesn't get tossed into a cupboard & sit unwanted - it can get eaten and then be-gone!
I like craft. I wish I had time to do more craft but I haven't even found the time to unpack all the moving boxes or do the washing up. I craft in my head... it doesn't always extend down to my hands but even if I'm not making craft, I'm thinking craft!
I don't drive, I walk. I push a pram up hills, down hills and over bumpy paths. I don't drive by choice and if you don't like it.... I don't care. I have, over the last 20yrs, been called various names because I don't drive but hey, I DON'T CARE!!
Bubba Joe has been sick the last couple of days. Yesterday I was at the end of my tether, I didn't know what to do to stop him from crying & to make him feel better. So I took him to the doctor, who told me that bubba has a viral infection and just give him paracetamol (& told me some ways to administer this) and to strip bubba off down to his singlet to ease his fever. I paid $60 for 5 minutes but I'm glad I did, I learnt stuff and I'm grateful. (BTW, my doctor is the spitting image of Vladmir Putin!!)
And whilst speaking of babies, let's just get these Q&A out of the way right now.
~ Yes, he is my only child (people ask me how many kids I've got & when they find out it's only 1, they all pretty much just shrug & walk off to talk to another mother... frustrating)
~ I'll be planning on having more kids, when I plan it. In my eyes, bubba Joe is still a bubba and I've got some time for him to grow up before thinking about any more.
~ When am I going back to work?? Are you freaking kidding me????? That is MY business and what am I not doing a good job in my current role as a mother.. screw you & don't ask me that again especially seeing as how strangers are normally the ones asking me this!
On the upside of things, if you are still reading this post to THIS point, you are in fact awesome & I adore you, now stop reading & off you go and do some craft!
Oh and before I go, let me tell you something that just happened to me, I'm standing at the sink doing the washing up, trying to shake something off my leg. I thought I was trying to shake a piece of cotton off but I look down and it was a RUDDY BIG HUGE HUNTSMAN SPIDER ON MY BARE LEG AND I'M WEARING A FKING SKIRT... yes, it was a RUDDY BIG HUGE HUNTSMAN ON ME... eek....... it bigger than my palm. I shook it off and before I could remember to squish the darn thing, it's run under the fridge but now I have icky creepy feelings all over me..... I just emailed my hubby to tell him, no sympathy was received in return, so I told him if he doesn't bring me home flowers & a pressie & a dinner tonight, we're getting a divorce!
Here are some of the conclusions that I've come to...
Corn packaging
Did you know that some 'plastic' containers are made from corn and are completely bio-degradable. Why don't they make them all like that? The product I'm talking about is Organic Care's 3in1 Conditioning Shampoo & Bodywash, I like it, it's designed for the ultimate quick shower with 1 product doing 3 things, brilliant huh!
Now, I'm NOT a big advocate in the Government putting fluoride into our drinking water and then it's also in our toothpaste.. but there's a toothpaste that I discovered that doesn't have Fluoride in it AND it's not just mint flavoured, in fact it's pineapple flavoured... why is 99% of toothpaste mint flavoured?? Oh & the brand is Snappy Jaws.
Having just bought a house and we are now moved in, we are thinking about renovating. But wait, no we're not, we're actually thinking of NOT renovating because we can put up with the pink tinted and the yellow tinted paint and the dark brown trims - the paint is perfectly ok, so what if the colour is a little dated, it's fine for now.
Hair dye
I was thinking of not dying my hair anymore... then I looked in the mirror and saw all the greys poking out & thought stuff it, I'm still going to dye it Why should I look old when I don't feel old! And no, I'm not going for Henna, I like the quick, easy dye where it's done in 15mins!
Two people called me crazy for using cloth nappies. Huh. I think they're crazy for thinking & saying that. It wasn't very nice of them. It made me start to wonder what was wrong with me for using cloth. But ok, in the end I thought stuff it, my baby, my washing load, cloth nappies for me. BTW, we use disposables at night & for day trips. Here's the cloth nappies that I use...
I've decided that at gift-giving time, all presents to adults will be hand-made (where possible) and preferably consumable so that 'gift' that I made doesn't get tossed into a cupboard & sit unwanted - it can get eaten and then be-gone!
I like craft. I wish I had time to do more craft but I haven't even found the time to unpack all the moving boxes or do the washing up. I craft in my head... it doesn't always extend down to my hands but even if I'm not making craft, I'm thinking craft!
I don't drive, I walk. I push a pram up hills, down hills and over bumpy paths. I don't drive by choice and if you don't like it.... I don't care. I have, over the last 20yrs, been called various names because I don't drive but hey, I DON'T CARE!!
Bubba Joe has been sick the last couple of days. Yesterday I was at the end of my tether, I didn't know what to do to stop him from crying & to make him feel better. So I took him to the doctor, who told me that bubba has a viral infection and just give him paracetamol (& told me some ways to administer this) and to strip bubba off down to his singlet to ease his fever. I paid $60 for 5 minutes but I'm glad I did, I learnt stuff and I'm grateful. (BTW, my doctor is the spitting image of Vladmir Putin!!)
And whilst speaking of babies, let's just get these Q&A out of the way right now.
~ Yes, he is my only child (people ask me how many kids I've got & when they find out it's only 1, they all pretty much just shrug & walk off to talk to another mother... frustrating)
~ I'll be planning on having more kids, when I plan it. In my eyes, bubba Joe is still a bubba and I've got some time for him to grow up before thinking about any more.
~ When am I going back to work?? Are you freaking kidding me????? That is MY business and what am I not doing a good job in my current role as a mother.. screw you & don't ask me that again especially seeing as how strangers are normally the ones asking me this!
On the upside of things, if you are still reading this post to THIS point, you are in fact awesome & I adore you, now stop reading & off you go and do some craft!
Oh and before I go, let me tell you something that just happened to me, I'm standing at the sink doing the washing up, trying to shake something off my leg. I thought I was trying to shake a piece of cotton off but I look down and it was a RUDDY BIG HUGE HUNTSMAN SPIDER ON MY BARE LEG AND I'M WEARING A FKING SKIRT... yes, it was a RUDDY BIG HUGE HUNTSMAN ON ME... eek....... it bigger than my palm. I shook it off and before I could remember to squish the darn thing, it's run under the fridge but now I have icky creepy feelings all over me..... I just emailed my hubby to tell him, no sympathy was received in return, so I told him if he doesn't bring me home flowers & a pressie & a dinner tonight, we're getting a divorce!
What have you been thinking about?
21 March, 2012
New Singer.. Oh So Cool...
Today I lashed out and bought myself a magazine, I haven't picked up a mag in nearly a year... So what a nice treat I thought and then... wow... look at this....
How Cool Is That!!!!
And you can win one too, just go here. But maybe don't go there, cos I entered and I want to win it, so maybe just go there & drool and wish me luck... :)

And you can win one too, just go here. But maybe don't go there, cos I entered and I want to win it, so maybe just go there & drool and wish me luck... :)
Roy G Biv
I learnt something today! Yep, whilst snuggled up on the couch with bubba Joe watching Sesame Street, I learnt Roy G Biv.
The colours of the rainbow easily remembered by the acronym of Roy G Biv. Cool huh, now hopefully I can remember the colours of the rainbow!
or... did you already now this and I'm the last person on earth to figure this out!
The colours of the rainbow easily remembered by the acronym of Roy G Biv. Cool huh, now hopefully I can remember the colours of the rainbow!
or... did you already now this and I'm the last person on earth to figure this out!
20 March, 2012
Do you use Pinterest?
I do and well, I'm thinking about deleting my account with them actually. I've been thinking lately about all the images there & what can be done to your own images.... and then I stumbled across this today..
What do you think? I'd love your opinion on this, let's chat about this.
I do and well, I'm thinking about deleting my account with them actually. I've been thinking lately about all the images there & what can be done to your own images.... and then I stumbled across this today..
What do you think? I'd love your opinion on this, let's chat about this.
19 March, 2012
Green fabric mosaic
Ok, this is a bit of fun, you should try it... it's an entry to competition - cool huh!
All the details are here.
Basically you make a fabric mosaic to enter. Nice!
Enter now...
Fabrics chosen
Row 1:
Hello Pilgrim Pearl Bracelet in Green Lizzy House, Rounabout Dots in Courtyard Green Modern Workshop by Oliver and S for Moda, Moda Cross Weave Woven Fabric in Gold and Green Crossweave
Row 2:
Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow Herringbone in Grass Light Green, Daisy's Dates in Key Lime Reunion by Sweetwater for Moda, Aviary 2 Woodgrain in Dill Green by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit Fabrics
Row 3:
Ta Dot in Lime Green by Michael Miller Polka Dot, Grass Green Robert Kaufman Kona Cotton Solid Designer Fabric,
Metro Living Circles in Chartreuse by Robert Kaufman
Row 4:
Fly A Kite Dot in Green by October Afternoon for Riley Blake Designs, Mono Pez in Lime Green Pezzy Prints by American Jane for Moda, Moda Cross Weave Woven Fabric in Gold and Green Crossweave
All the details are here.
Basically you make a fabric mosaic to enter. Nice!
Enter now...
Fabrics chosen
Row 1:
Hello Pilgrim Pearl Bracelet in Green Lizzy House, Rounabout Dots in Courtyard Green Modern Workshop by Oliver and S for Moda, Moda Cross Weave Woven Fabric in Gold and Green Crossweave
Row 2:
Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow Herringbone in Grass Light Green, Daisy's Dates in Key Lime Reunion by Sweetwater for Moda, Aviary 2 Woodgrain in Dill Green by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit Fabrics
Row 3:
Ta Dot in Lime Green by Michael Miller Polka Dot, Grass Green Robert Kaufman Kona Cotton Solid Designer Fabric,
Metro Living Circles in Chartreuse by Robert Kaufman
Row 4:
Fly A Kite Dot in Green by October Afternoon for Riley Blake Designs, Mono Pez in Lime Green Pezzy Prints by American Jane for Moda, Moda Cross Weave Woven Fabric in Gold and Green Crossweave
16 March, 2012
Crafty Mumma group
I've been sitting here in my new house, in my new suburb, in my new state thinking... I wonder if there are other crafty mums (of babies & toddlers) that want to get together & chat & craft - wouldn't it be a great way to meet other mums & for bubba Joe to meet other babies too.
So, after months of thinking about it, yesterday I sat down at the computer and made a flyer for it... and today, I walked across to the local stores & popped it onto the community board!
Phew, it's done. Now, I wonder if there is anyone out there in my suburb that is interested!
Here's the details in case you were wondering......
So, after months of thinking about it, yesterday I sat down at the computer and made a flyer for it... and today, I walked across to the local stores & popped it onto the community board!

Here's the details in case you were wondering......
You a
a baby or toddler?
you like to get together with other Crafty Mumma's to craft &
chat over coffee ??
chat over coffee ??
our kiddies play)
doesn't matter if you're an experienced crafter, a beginner crafter
or just someone that always wanted to craft & hasn't yet – all
are welcome. You can scrapbook, sew, knit, crochet, paint, bead, etc
etc... all craft types are welcome!
like set aside one day a month, probably Wednesday's from 9am-12pm,
so that Crafty Mumma's (with babies & toddlers) can pop by for a
cuppa, some crafting & a chat.
do you think, how does this sound to you??
chosen to set aside a full morning (at my house), so that you can pop
by anytime during it, even if it's only for 20minutes before an
appointment or something. (and yes, babies & toddlers are
welcome, I have a 15mth old boy)
the location?
Don't worry if you don't drive because I'm less than a 2minute walk from the Blackman Bay Shops!!
Don't worry if you don't drive because I'm less than a 2minute walk from the Blackman Bay Shops!!
if you're a Crafty Dadda, you're welcome too!
me for more info, I hope to see you soon! Don't
be shy, be crafty!
15 March, 2012
14 March, 2012
Making a cord for the crochet bag...
And just because someone asked the other day, he's a pic of bubba Joe, he's almost 15mths old now!
And just because someone asked the other day, he's a pic of bubba Joe, he's almost 15mths old now!
13 March, 2012
Un-done & re-done right!
Ok, so I've done the 'great un-do of 2012', crocheted them again so the 'points' are facing the correct way!
Started to sew them up and I can see why I had to re-do them!
As you can see, I'm full steam ahead now!!
Started to sew them up and I can see why I had to re-do them!
As you can see, I'm full steam ahead now!!
11 March, 2012
I need another person for my PIF
Back in November, I signed up for a PIF, then 3 bloggy people joined from my blog too... Which is great, except one of them has pulled out... so I need another person. Who will it be? Will it be you?
The first to comment below can be that #3 (& make sure you leave an email address for me to contact you).
What's a PIF? .... click here for the original blog entry....
A quick run-down of the rules...
So basically you will receive one handmade item (made especially for you), in turn you will hand-make an item for another three people.
So, are you in?? Remember, you have to be quick, I only need 1 person!!
The first to comment below can be that #3 (& make sure you leave an email address for me to contact you).
What's a PIF? .... click here for the original blog entry....
A quick run-down of the rules...
You join in the PIF (Pay It Forward) by commenting below.
You will get something during the year, that has been handcrafted by me.
Yes, you have a whole year to pay it forward...
then when you receive something from me,
it's your turn to pay it forward to three people on your blog!
If you want to play..then just say it
with a comment!
So basically you will receive one handmade item (made especially for you), in turn you will hand-make an item for another three people.
So, are you in?? Remember, you have to be quick, I only need 1 person!!
08 March, 2012
I've re-discovered Sago.
I remember it when I was growing up and found it in the supermarket the other day. It's yummo! I've mixed (frozen) raspberries into the last minutes of cooking, I've also discovered it's a great way to use up the last remnants of jam in the jam jar too, great flavours!
And bubba loves it!! Did you grow up eating Sago too??
I remember it when I was growing up and found it in the supermarket the other day. It's yummo! I've mixed (frozen) raspberries into the last minutes of cooking, I've also discovered it's a great way to use up the last remnants of jam in the jam jar too, great flavours!
And bubba loves it!! Did you grow up eating Sago too??
07 March, 2012
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Trying this thing called Bloglovin...... what do you think, do you use it??
Trying this thing called Bloglovin...... what do you think, do you use it??
06 March, 2012
In order to 'delay' the great crochet Un-Do... I've started another bag.
Ok, ok, I know, lame but I could use the excuse that it is really hard to undo crochet & then crochet using decreases whilst trying to supervise bubba ... because I really don't want crayon on the couch or carpet or tv...
In order to 'delay' the great crochet Un-Do... I've started another bag.
Ok, ok, I know, lame but I could use the excuse that it is really hard to undo crochet & then crochet using decreases whilst trying to supervise bubba ... because I really don't want crayon on the couch or carpet or tv...
05 March, 2012
Crochet colour
Just trying to cheer myself up with a pretty crochet close-up
before I undo it!
before I undo it!
Yes, I really am that lame!
04 March, 2012
Getting to know me & vice versa
1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up......
~ my fringe in my eyes ~ a crocheted blanket draping from the bed to the floor ~ the messy wardrobe ~ the alarm clock that always runs fast ~ a rip in the net curtain
~ my fringe in my eyes ~ a crocheted blanket draping from the bed to the floor ~ the messy wardrobe ~ the alarm clock that always runs fast ~ a rip in the net curtain
2. How do you style your hair?
Most days I just wash the fringe (in the bathroom sink) and tie the rest back.
3. What are you wearing now?
Stripey pink socks, comfy brown corduroy trousers, a shirt with vegemite smeared on it (from bubba not me).
Most days I just wash the fringe (in the bathroom sink) and tie the rest back.
3. What are you wearing now?
Stripey pink socks, comfy brown corduroy trousers, a shirt with vegemite smeared on it (from bubba not me).
4. What are your top five favorite TV shows?
- Gardening Australia
- The Big Bang Theory
- Monster Moves ..or as I call it.. Big Ass Moves
- Lewis
- Dr Who (with David Tennant as The Dr)
- Gardening Australia
- The Big Bang Theory
- Monster Moves ..or as I call it.. Big Ass Moves
- Lewis
- Dr Who (with David Tennant as The Dr)
5. What do you hear right now?
Bubba running up the hallway saying something that sounds like "Wa-Wey".
Bubba running up the hallway saying something that sounds like "Wa-Wey".
6. Who was the last person you hugged?
7. What did you have for lunch?
A vegemite sandwich, yes I know, how very Australian of me!
8. What did you do today?
- Weeded the garden by the stairs & planted some Verbena there.
- Made a double batch of pikelets (bubba's fav!)
- Changed the bed, did the washing
- Managed to squeeze some crochet in
- Had a ball fight with hubby & bubba
A vegemite sandwich, yes I know, how very Australian of me!
8. What did you do today?
- Weeded the garden by the stairs & planted some Verbena there.
- Made a double batch of pikelets (bubba's fav!)
- Changed the bed, did the washing
- Managed to squeeze some crochet in
- Had a ball fight with hubby & bubba
9. Dog person or cat person?
Rabbit. Ok, dog!
Rabbit. Ok, dog!
10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
I've already changed it to Mumma!
I've already changed it to Mumma!
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
Pumpkin, Bananas & Yoghurt.
Pumpkin, Bananas & Yoghurt.
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Canada, Alaska - I want to see a hummingbird, a moose & some huge trees!
Canada, Alaska - I want to see a hummingbird, a moose & some huge trees!
13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Maybe another child (making it 2 kids) and then maybe becoming foster parents. Big vegie patch in the garden, a website earning $$ and my own crafty mumma local group that I'd have started.
Maybe another child (making it 2 kids) and then maybe becoming foster parents. Big vegie patch in the garden, a website earning $$ and my own crafty mumma local group that I'd have started.
14. Where's your birthmark?
I think I have one in the small of my back.
I think I have one in the small of my back.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Ha, it is this weekend! Maybe next weekend, I'd like to go up Mt Wellington or to the hardware store to get some terracotta pots for the garden.
Ha, it is this weekend! Maybe next weekend, I'd like to go up Mt Wellington or to the hardware store to get some terracotta pots for the garden.
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
Guitar or drums, drums would be cool!
Guitar or drums, drums would be cool!
17. How tired are you?
Ha, I'm a mum in my late 30's to a 14mth old boy - TIRED!
Ha, I'm a mum in my late 30's to a 14mth old boy - TIRED!
18. What are you plans for the rest of the day?
Trying to convince hubby that he should cook dinner after he's bathed bubba whilst I sit on the couch & crochet!
Trying to convince hubby that he should cook dinner after he's bathed bubba whilst I sit on the couch & crochet!
19. What's your drink?
Hot chocolate, Chai Latte or just plain water. My main drink is water.
Hot chocolate, Chai Latte or just plain water. My main drink is water.
20. If you could buy anything, for no reason, with no budget, what would you buy?
Easy, I'd buy stacks & stacks of pretty fabric & soft delicious yarn!
Easy, I'd buy stacks & stacks of pretty fabric & soft delicious yarn!
Okay, you're turn, either copy & paste questions & your answers into the comment section or add it to your own blog & leave a link here in the comments section!
No, I hate the undo!
Nooo, I made a boo-boo, a big boo-boo.... (can you hear my whiney voice...)
This is the crochet as it looks now, it's going to eventually be a bag, but the points are facing the wrong way. AND, no, I can't just flip it over to have the points facing the other way.. (I've already tried that).
See the crochet point, well there's a long edge & a short edge leading up to it, the short edge here is attached to the other crochet (blue attached to the grey).
See it better here? In the diagram, the points are facing with the short edges facing out. That is what it's supposed to look like.
Anyways, I've now got to undo all four points & re-crochet them the proper way.... I think I'll do this watching a DVD of True Blood or something... I hate undoing stuff!
This is the crochet as it looks now, it's going to eventually be a bag, but the points are facing the wrong way. AND, no, I can't just flip it over to have the points facing the other way.. (I've already tried that).
See the crochet point, well there's a long edge & a short edge leading up to it, the short edge here is attached to the other crochet (blue attached to the grey).
See it better here? In the diagram, the points are facing with the short edges facing out. That is what it's supposed to look like.
Anyways, I've now got to undo all four points & re-crochet them the proper way.... I think I'll do this watching a DVD of True Blood or something... I hate undoing stuff!
02 March, 2012
Itching to move my fingers!
Ok, let's just start this blog post with a Yay for Crochet!
Yay, I've finally started to crochet again!
Yep, there wasn't any time too craft, not with the move & new house & a baby that's not a baby anymore but is now a toddler... yep, bubba Joe is walking! So with all that going on, I didn't have time to crochet, at night, after bubba was put to bed, I'd just collapse on the couch.
But now, I still collapse on the couch but have a remnant of energy left to crochet!
So yay for me!
What have you been up too? .. by the way, as I type this, I know it's the 2nd day of Autumn, but my fingers are freezing and I'm going to have to wrap them around a nice hot cuppa tea to warm them up again!!
Yay, I've finally started to crochet again!
Yep, there wasn't any time too craft, not with the move & new house & a baby that's not a baby anymore but is now a toddler... yep, bubba Joe is walking! So with all that going on, I didn't have time to crochet, at night, after bubba was put to bed, I'd just collapse on the couch.
But now, I still collapse on the couch but have a remnant of energy left to crochet!
So yay for me!
What have you been up too? .. by the way, as I type this, I know it's the 2nd day of Autumn, but my fingers are freezing and I'm going to have to wrap them around a nice hot cuppa tea to warm them up again!!