18 October, 2011

Universal Craft Blog Directory

Welcome to the Universal Craft Blog Directory.
It's easy to join....
 All you have to do is add your blog to the link below and then
invite all your blog readers to join as well, 
they will invite their blog readers etc etc
Hopefully it will keep being sent forward & all the crafty bloggers

will come back here to the directory & add their name! 
Cool huh!

And to make it easy to remember where the Universal Craft Blog Directory is...
here is a button to add to your blog:

Copy & past this button to your blog & link back to this post
to help spread the word to help the directory grow! OR copy & paste the code (over in my sidebar under the button pic).
Rules:  There are no rules... Well, I guess there is one, no two rules ... 
1.)  It's for Crafty blogs (you can determine if your blog is crafty - do you make, create or buy lots of crafty stuff?)  
2.)  You need to promote this on your blog for the Directory to work!

Step 1:  Add your craft blog name to the linky list below - to find the linky button, scroll down past all the other craft links & at the bottom there is a blue box saying "Add your link" - click this.
The easiest & best way to do add your link to avoid any errors is to copy & paste the link direct from your website into the linky box below.

Step 2: Create your own blog post, letting everyone know that you have added your blog to the huge Craft blog directory & invite them to pop on over here to add their crafty blog & then to do the same with their bloggy readers.
Step 3: Add the button to your blog so you remember to pop back & peruse the fab Universal Craft Blog Directory!

Join now!

Add your blog now & be found! 
Just remember, you need to scroll all the way down to the bottom to add your link!

1. beberouge.wordpress.com  
2. www.1funkyknitwit.blogspot.com  
3. describehappy.blogspot.com  
4. thehandiworks.blogspot.com  
5. coledabbles.blogspot.com/  
6. runtomomma.blogspot.com/  
7. craftyrie.blogspot.com/  
8. www.alittlebirdtoldme-craft.com/  
9. plus3crochet.blogspot.com  
10. www.sheeprustling.blogspot.com  
11. lostseamstress.blogspot.com/  
12. trudinisbet.blogspot.com  
13. www.stitchedtogether.co.uk  
14. masterofathousandthings.blogspot.com  
15. www.auldfashioned.blogspot.com  
16. minniemoll.wordpress.com/  
17. strandedthings.blogspot.com  
18. adrianahandmade.blogspot.com  
19. knitted.wordpress.com  
20. www.sheryourscraps.blogspot.com  
21. www.flythecoopcrafts.blogspot.com  
22. nothingbutknit2.wordpress.com/  
23. robertawarshaw.blogspot.com/  
24. misselleknitwear.blogspot.com  
25. stampsparklepop.blogspot.com/  
26. www.mixedmartialartsandcrafts.com  
27. behttp://bindingoff.blogspot.com  
28. Whendidibecomeaknitter.wordpress.con  
29. ozzyblackbeard.blogspot.com/  
30. chrisknits.wordpress.com/  
31. mamgihandmade.blogspot.com  
32. itmightbeametaphor.blogspot.com  
33. lepetitplaisirs.com  
34. faeriecollege.wordpress.com  
35. kiwigetscrafty.blogspot.com  
36. aussiemaria.blogspot.com  
37. undergroundcrafter.com/blog  
38. vintagefusionhandcrafts.blogspot.com  
39. rosescrafts.blogspot.com  
40. virtuallysally.blogspot.com/  
41. thecraftersapprentice.blogspot.com  
42. stitchbrinnstitch.wordpress.com  
43. www.quiltgenius.com  
44. www.sydthewyd.com  
45. ellenbloom.blogspot.com  
46. www.projectstash.blogspot.com  
47. loveaffairwithmybrother.blogspot.com/  
48. bubzrugz.blogspot.com/  
49. www.jembellish.blogspot.com/  
50. kylie-3sheets.blogspot.com  
51. www.preciouslittlepoppets.blogspot.com/  
52. k1s1s1.blogspot.com  
53. misadventuresincraft.blogspot.com  
54. lifesjewelsonstring.blogspot.com/  
55. yarn.tumblr.com  
56. www.cozysplace.com/  
57. www.mightydistractible.com  
58. sisteroutlaws.blogspot.com/  
59. legeknitting.wordpress.com  
60. kelgellcreations.blogspot.com  
61. ovber-it.blogspot.com  
62. hootnz.blogspot.com/  
63. amoebahandmade.blogspot.com/  
64. www.naturallycarol.blogspot.com  
65. ontopofalilypad.blogspot.com  
66. alittle-vintage.blogspot.com/  
67. www.boutiqueuniquely.com  
68. achristyproduction.blogspot.com/  
69. handmadebyfiona.blogspot.com/  
70. fell4ucraftystuff.blogspot.com/  
71. notsogranny.blogspot.com  
72. www.kiwiatheart-leonie.blogspot.com  
73. makeitgiveit.wordpress.com  
74. happyinquilting.blogspot.com/  
75. makeitgiveit.wordpress.com/  
76. www.paisleyjade.com  
77. fayandriley.blogspot.com  
78. cosiendoycriando.blogspot.com/  
79. thehouseofwilson.blogspot.com/2011/08/wee-folk-quilt-finished.html  
80. elisabethandree.posterous.com/  
81. dianespuppetsproducts.wordpress.com  
82. www.raspberryrainbow.com  
83. wwwthebutterflybushdiaries.blogspot.com  
84. dontdroolonthewool.blogspot.com  
85. weddingdressblue.wordpress.com  
86. rosa-munda.blogspot.com  
87. www.kraftingkreations.blogspot.com  
88. flaming-nora.blogspot.com  
89. beaderslife.blogspot.com  
90. karenlcase.blogspot.com/  
91. www.prettyhandygirl.com  
92. thehouseonthesideofthehill.blogspot.com/  
93. lilabellelane.blogspot.com/  
94. life-is-sew-good.blogspot.com/  
95. blog.mummybrain.com  
96. www.chocolatemintsinajar.com/craft/  
97. notchkas-wardrobe.blogspot.com/2011/05/flea-market-finds.html  
98. whimsycoutureboutique.blogspot.com/  
99. littlebunnyquilts.blogspot.com  
100. hazelscrochet.blogspot.com/  
101. avintagefairytale.blogspot.com  
102. mushroomlane.blogspot.com/  
103. craftandnappies.blogspot.com  
104. crochetcircle.blogspot.com  
105. carolynshomework.blogspot.com/  
106. thetexturedleaf.blogspot.com/2011/10/universal-craft-blog-directory.html  
107. copperpatch.blogspot.com  
108. www.monetpaisley.blogspot.com  
109. onpolkadotlane.blogspot.com  
110. happyfind.typepad.com/  
111. www.thekraftycupcake.blogspot.com/  
112. tellmeastorybraveheart.blogspot.com  
113. www.sewpony.blogspot.com  
114. www.ifonlyihadchocolate.blogspot.com/  
115. squigglyrainbow.blogspot.com/  
116. thecraftingfiend.blogspot.com  
117. hopefulthreads.blogspot.com/  
118. www.classicbecca.co.uk  
119. www.thecraftycroall.blogspot.com  
120. seeanniequilt.blogspot.com  
121. littleredhoodhandmade.blogspot.com  
122. www.mendandmakenew.blogspot.com  
123. renjet.wordpress.com  
124. www.sewnancy.blogspot.com  
125. www.needlesandwool.blogspot.com  
126. lamentingicarus.blogspot.com/2011/10/my-creative-space-my-ny-inspiration.html  
127. seven-stitches.blogspot.com/  
128. lifefulloflaughter.blogspot.com  
129. creativemind-zeshuregi.blogspot.com/  
130. www.wildflowerdesignsnz.blogspot.com  
131. wwwanniebhandmade.blogspot.com  
132. littlepeanutsnz.blogspot.com/  
133. petitbebecreationz.wordpress.com/  
134. jac-bercreations.blogspot.com/  
135. www.bibliographica-days.blogspot.com  
136. littleworm-x.blogspot.com/  
137. zippyzippyworld.blogspot.com/  
138. lazydaisycrochet.blogspot.com/  
139. candieykisses.blogspot.com/  
140. ahappystitch.com  
141. www.rachaelrabbit.blogspot.com  
142. mealyandi.blogspot.com  
143. marnero.blogspot.com/  
144. pinkkiapila.blogspot.com  
145. adrianachristianson.blogspot.com/2011/10/flat-outbeing-creative.html  
146. www.DesignsBySessa.com  
147. jocelynfriisart.blogspot.com/  
148. sassysteph.wordpress.com/  
149. www.rookno17.com  
150. thecraftingfiend.blogspot.com/2011/10/i-love-you-mostest-pocket-pillow.html  
151. aly-oops.blogspot.com  
152. www.mylifeinalense-chelethecello.blogspot.com  
153. www.lindsaysews.com  
154. www.craftbuds.com  
155. lizettenatalie.blogspot.com/  
156. www.anniemacoriginal.com  
157. laurasners.blogspot.com/  
158. www.footonthetreadle.com  
159. www.maxiesknitwear.blogspot.com  
160. www.maxiesknitwear.blogspot.com/  
161. quilterinthepines.blogspot.com/  
162. narioka.blogspot.com/  
163. 2ndessence.blogspot.com/  
164. bigknittingtrouble.blogspot.com  
165. marciascraftysewing.blogspot.com/  
166. www.dumpster-diva-mimi.blogspot.com  
167. lolaandbea.blogspot.com/  
168. twiggstudios.blogspot.com  
169. coloresyganchos.blogspot.com/2011/10/regalitos.html  
170. theredwren.com  
171. kindaquilty.blogspot.com/  
172. tangledupinsticksandstring.blogspot.com  
173. yarnberry.tumblr.com/  
174. yvetteadams.blogspot.com/  
175. coloresyganchos.blogspot.com/  
176. www.owensolivia.blogspot.com  
177. generationsue.blogspot.com  
178. catherinesjewelry.blogspot.com/  
179. buscandocomienzos.wordpress.com  
180. anastaciaknits.net  
181. ontherefrigeratordoor.blogspot.com/  
182. www.aspoonfulofsugardesigns.com  
183. epherielldesigns.com  
184. hooksandyarns.blogspot.com/  
185. www.oneyarnafteranother.com  
186. thekansashooker.blogspot.com/  
187. made-in-k-town.blogspot.com  
188. littleorphanskein.wordpress.com/  
189. www.sameliasmum.com  
190. simplyme32.blogspot.com/  
191. lemondedesucrette.com  
192. crochetattic.blogspot.com  
193. scrapbookingal.com  
194. heather-thegoodlife.blogspot.com/  
195. www.RoseRedDesigns.blogspot.com  
196. crochet-with-cris.blogspot.com  
197. www.mrsdcrochetsetc.blogspot.com/  
198. sarahsweethearts.blogspot.com  
199. ukcraftblog.com  
200. yardsalesandcrochet.blogspot.com  
201. theseekspeak.blogspot.com/2011/06/quilt-class-101-weeks-1-2.html  
202. http:/byhooks4u.blogspot.com  
203. acreativebeing.com  
204. asmatteringoflaura.blogspot.com/  
205. ShallowCreekCrafts.blogspot.com  
206. curlypops.blogspot.com/2011/11/my-creative-space.html  
207. Www.TotallyBriFul.blogspot.com  
208. crochetaddictcfs.blogspot.com/  
209. www.puntosapunto.com  
210. craftomaniac.blogspot.com  
211. www.craftybobo.blogspot.com/  
212. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Encantos-Objetos-Artesanales/227156247322083?v=wall&ref=pdem  
213. newleafcrafts.blogspot.com  
214. blog.thewoolshop.ie  
215. anaslua2.blogspot.com/  
216. wildflowersgrace.blogspot.com/  
217. gypsyalleygirls.wordpress.com/  
218. toppytoppyknits.blogspot.com/  
219. alexandramackenzienz.blogspot.com/  
220. pleasureinstitching.blogspot.com/  
221. thesmilingrobot.blogspot.com  
222. www.plushkacraft.blogspot.com/  
223. musingsofacraftymind.blogspot.com  
224. www.deadandburied.com.au  
225. www.myobsessiondesigns.blogspot.com  
226. www.thesewingsisterhood.blogspot.com  
227. bitsandbobszone.blogspot.com/  
228. lunchlookslikeaquilttome.blogspot.com/  
229. www.treasuresmadefromyarn.com/  
230. bunniesandbettas.blogspot.com  
231. cuppaandcake.blogspot.com/  
232. www.scrapmebaby.wordpress.com  
233. www.artisbeauty.net  
234. www.sissyssalvation.blogspot.com  
235. sissyssalvation.blogspot.com  
236. littlebighouseontheprairie1.blogspot.com  
237. pastelchicdesigns.blogspot.com  
238. crazecrafts.blogspot.com/  
239. happyinred.blogspot.com  
240. www.stocki.blogspot.com  
241. www.violet-white.blogspot.com  
242. lindacraftycorner.blogspot.com/  
243. thelazyhobbyhopper.blogspot.com/  
244. marionsbuntehandarbeitswelt.blogspot.com/  
245. www.whimsycoutureboutique.blogspot.com/  
246. www.teamkitten.com/blog  
247. askmskathy.blogspot.com  
248. paulacastrocrafts.blogspot.com/2011/11/mais-flocos-de-neve-dedicado-michele.html  
249. sewtara.com  
250. www.everythingsheacreates.com  
251. compulsivecraftiness.com/  
252. www.theaccidentalcrafter.com  
253. fiberfan-antics.blogspot.com  
254. confessionsofacraftaddict.blogspot.com  
255. meikaslittletreasures.blogspot.com/  
256. www.houseofhepworths.com/  
257. rosehipsandspiderwebs.blogspot.com  
258. jordannhall.blogspot.com  
259. fromblankpages.blogspot.com  
260. likeflowersandbutterflies.blogspot.com  
261. viraventos.blogspot.com  
262. lawsonandlotti.blogspot.com  
263. www.mamamoontime.com  
264. houseofpinheiro.blogspot.com/  
265. marmota-b.blogspot.com  
266. oneygirl-myquiltingadventure.blogspot.com/  
267. imaginegnats.blogspot.com  
268. ecb.edesignsfashion.com  
269. storiedyarns.blogspot.com  
270. jakoblaylaruby.blogspot.com/  
271. www.kd-quilts.com  
272. ninthstreetnotions.com  
273. katiesredumbrella.blogspot.com/  
274. affectioknit.blogspot.com  
275. averagequilter.blogspot.com/  
276. thiscreativebliss.blogspot.com/  
277. www.backlessshirt.blogspot.com/  
278. rhinestonebeagle.blogspot.com/2011/12/felt-cone-santa.html  
279. www.lilybeanstore.com  
280. handmadebyjt.blogspot.com/  
281. maureencracknellhandmade.blogspot.com/  
282. eagerhands.blogspot.com  
283. Www.sewcraftyjess.blogspot.com  
284. oops-lah.blogspot.com/  
285. undercovercrafter.blogspot.com/2011/10/pts6-and-habitat-progress.html  
286. claresplaceblog.blogspot.com/  
287. mamalusco.blogspot.com  
288. www.outnumberedquilter.com  
289. jewelsofsayuri.blogspot.com/  
290. catpatches.blogspot.com  
291. live-laugh-love-sew.blogspot.com/  
292. pipiancrafts.blogspot.com  
293. aussieknittingthreads.blogspot.com/  
294. sweetwatercloth.com  
295. www.maubys.net  
296. sewgetdressed.blogspot.com/  
297. melissastramel.com  
298. jaceycraft.blogspot.com  
299. www.such-designs.com  
300. www.monpetitlyons.blogspot.com  
301. jenniffier.blogspot.com  
302. afewthreadsloose.blogspot.com/  
303. quiltroutes.blogspot.com/  
304. www.thepaintedquilt.blogspot.com/  
305. www.sandiegostreetheart.blogspot.com/  
306. thebackporchquilters.blogspot.com  
307. www.fakeitwhileyoumakeit.blogpso.tcom  
308. tolmema.wordpress.com  
309. runningwithrocket.blogspot.com/  
310. www.mesewcrazy.com/  
311. www.klise-stitches.blogspot.com  
312. triostitchstudio.blogspot.com/  
313. wipgirl.wordpress.com  
314. unfoldingcreatively.blogspot.com  
315. fabriquefantastique.blogspot.com/  
316. www.magpiemimi.blogspot.com  
317. www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=575983193027712327#audiencestats  
318. charlottesewfarsewgood.blogspot.com/  
319. lazystitching.wordpress.com  
320. craftafarian.blogspot.com  
321. sewinguptheneighbourhood.com  
322. designedbydianeevans.blogspot.com/  
323. lillianns-gutenachtgeschichten.blogspot.com/  
324. sunshinesanne.blogspot.com  
325. thehungrycrafter.com  
326. talesfromthesheepshed.blogspot.com/  
327. www.006licensedtoknit.blogspot.com/  
328. www.faithscraftsbox.blogspot.com  
329. www.wishyouwereheremom.blogspot.com  
330. www.a-ditchin-time-quilts.blogspot.com  
331. www.quiltjane.blogspot.com  
332. www.herheartmyhands.blogspot.com  
333. ablondquilts.blogspot.com/  
334. foxslane.blogspot.com/2011/11/hook-me-up.html  
335. emilylovesbagpuss.blogspot.com/  
336. relivingalegacy.blogspot.com/  
337. www.stitchystitcherson.blogspot.com/  
338. www.aquiltingsheep.com/  
339. www.petticoatsandpeplums.blogspot.com  
340. love-stitching-red.blogspot.com/  
341. carolynsaxby.blogspot.com/  
342. tagtuesday.blogspot.com/  
343. carolynsaxbyart.blogspot.com/  
344. www.ascriasdaelba.blogspot.com/  
345. zuzu-santai.blogspot.com  
346. domesticblissnz.blogspot.com/  
347. frizzy-dizzy.blogspot.com/  
348. www.staciethinksshecan.com  
349. www.dawnheesequilts.blogspot.com  
350. www.craftytammie.com  
351. quilterliz.blogspot.com/  
352. Cotton Reel Corner.blogspot.com/  
353. www.quiltstoriesbysherryann.blogspot.com/  
354. Amyscreativeside.com  
355. creativedisorganization.blogspot.com/  
356. scrapnstitch.blogspot.com  
357. drinkingfabric.blogspot.com/  
358. harmonicmama.com  
359. www.ihaveanotion.blogspot.com  
360. www.mareew.blogspot.com  
361. www.ollieandmay.com  
362. subway-knits.blogspot.com  
363. indulgeyourshelf.blogspot.com  
364. lifeinsegments.blogspot.com/  
365. quiltinggallery.com/  
366. eatsleepquilt.blogspot.com/  
367. justastitchaway.blogspot  
368. craftingwithstyle.blogspot.com  
369. justastitchaway.blogspot.com  
370. myloveofcrochet.blogspot.com/2012/01/universal-craft-blog-directory.html  
371. www.kjsunflower.blogspot.com/  
372. lvlindabelinda.blogspot.com/  
373. latanadimostropolpetta.blogspot.com/  
374. nelboscodililybets.blogspot.com/  
375. www.crochetconsentidos.blogspot.com  
376. www.thistooprojects.blogspot.com  
377. agozigozagodue.blogspot.com/  
378. meuespinho.blogspot.com/  
379. thequickunpick.blogspot.com  
380. inspirationsbyd.blogspot.com  
381. saidosdaconcha.blogspot.com  
382. www.theknitwitbyshair.com  
383. maker-land.blogspot.com/  
384. kateconklindesigns.com  
385. sewcraftable.blogspot.com  
386. www.mastevalecrochet.blogspot.com/  
387. evassyrum.blogspot.com/  
388. twinklestutustwirls.blogspot.com/  
389. www.cookiesandcreamcraft.com.au/blog/  
390. kaysbearsandfriends.blogspot.com/  
391. rosmademe.blogspot.com  
392. www.marilynsknittingheavenonearth.blogspot.com  
393. www.knittingheavenonearth.blogspot.com  
394. www.onestitchatatimechallenge.blogspot.com  
395. daizy-mae-designs.blogspot.com/  
396. hetkabinet.blogspot.com/  
397. www.kennykdownloads.com  
398. callysbitsandpieces.blogspot.com/  
399. calicocrossroads.blogspot.com/  
400. mycraftyobsessions.blogspot.com  
401. nafanja88handmade.blogspot.com/  
402. acrafterstale.blogspot.com  
403. cardcreationsbysharonjoy.blogspot.com/  
404. smelinda.blogspot.com/  
405. scraptere.blogspot.com/  
406. www.ohfortheloveofpaper.blogspot.com  
407. alouette2909.blogspot.com/  
408. spendingtimewell.blogspot.com  
409. lavenderbluestitches.blogspot.com  
410. www.chloeandrose.com/blog/  
411. www.betsyandiya.com/blog  
412. www.ranchingmom.blogspot.com  
413. www.ngcards.blogspot.com  
414. www.rubymole.com  
415. www.kenzieskozies.com  
416. www.buildingcarpenters.com/  
417. sewhooked.com  
418. www.thatlookslikeitneedsstitches.blogspot.com  
419. eveningsongink.blogspot.com/  
420. bcreative1.blogspot.com/  
421. momwithahook.blogspot.com  
422. isibeads.blogspot.com/  
423. glassdragonbears.blogspot.com  
424. crochet-mania.blogspot.com/  
425. www.youtube.com/tjw1963  
426. www.youtube.com/crochet  
427. 6ichthusfish.typepad.com  
428. scrapennydesigns.typepad.com  
429. learncreatedo.wordpress.com/  
430. sewsweetviolet.blogspot.com/  
431. knitsofacto.blogspot.com  
432. littlewoollie.blogspot.com/  
433. hensteethart.blogspot.com/  
434. periwinklegirl.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-library-bag.html  
435. countryrose7.blogspot.com/  
436. sewscrumptious.blogspot.com/  
437. laughingduck.typepad.com/  
438. www.handmadeheaven.com.au  
439. www.handmadeheaven7.blogspot.com  
440. www.bubbachenille.blogspot.com  
441. www.mimmis.com.au  
442. michelleridgwaydesigns1.blogspot.com  
443. www.mosunbi.blogspot.com/  
444. booty-liciousblog.blogspot.com  
445. www.kimscraftyapple.blogspot.com  
446. claudiawendt.blogspot.com/  
447. couponpicking.blogspot.com/  
448. northstarquilting.blogspot.com/  
449. sue-crawford.blogspot.com/  
450. www.doreensdream.blogspot.com/  
451. bunnysbitsnbobs.blogspot.com/  
452. lysanns.blogspot.com/  
453. flutterbytrina.blogspot.com/  
454. thevintagehobbyhouse.blogspot.com/  
455. littleowlshandmade.blogspot.com/  
456. www.craftysentimentsdesigns.co.uk/  
457. www.craftysentimentsdesigns.blogspot.com/  
458. craftysentimentsmonthly.blogspot.com/  
459. craftysentiments.blogspot.com/  
460. handmadecardsbyjo.blogspot.com  
461. handmadebygem.blogspot.com  
462. wicked-designs.blogspot.com/2012/01/santa.html  
463. eskimofrosting.blogspot.com  
464. ppp-makeitmonday.blogspot.com/  
465. pixieduststudiopixiechallenge.blogspot.com/  
466. maryjdesigns.blogspot.com/  
467. minimushrooms.blogspot.com/  
468. shoprubyjean.com/2012/01/going-to-the-circus/  
469. laurelscraftyretreat.blogspot.com/  
470. todayscreativeblog.net  
471. gilbyscorner.blogspot.com/  
472. shirley-anne-stampingforjoy.blogspot.com/  
473. chelencarter-retiredandlovingit.blogspot.com/  
474. www.passionatelyartistic.com  
475. 52mantels.com  
476. gaylepage-robak.blogspot.com  
477. atastefultouch.blogspot.com  
478. www.windsomecreations.com/  
479. sassysites.blogspot.com/  
480. onacraftyadventure.blogspot.com/  
481. serenityyou.blogspot.com  
482. laneyoval.blogspot.com/  
483. www.zossdesign.com  
484. clairescreativecards.blogspot.com  
485. www.lasmanualidadesdepato.blogspot.com  
486. designeal.blogspot.com/  
487. joy-sandyscreations.blogspot.com/  
488. alannahsspace.blogspot.com  
489. peppercon.blogspot.com/  
490. art-wear-kunstpause.blogspot.com/  
491. cardzbyclaire.blogspot.com/  
492. thecheckeredapple.blogspot.com/  
493. craftsfriendsangels.blogspot.com/  
494. pinky-pinkysworld.blogspot.com/  
495. www.etsy.com/shop/DewLampwork  
496. sallyastill.blogspot.com  
497. gillyflower5.blogspot.com/  
498. willy-wagtail.blogspot.com/  
499. jewelsatelier.blogspot.com  
500. handmadebyvivi.blogspot.com  
501. anjakrohn.blogspot.com/  
502. leblogdesummite.blogspot.com/  
503. www.eviestoolemporium.blogspot.com/  
504. little-applefalls.blogspot.com/  
505. periwinklegirl.blogspot.com  
506. hooknyarn.blogspot.com/  
507. www.craftingbelle.blogspot.com  
508. scraphappy.canalblog.com  
509. shellymc2.blogspot.com/  
510. buzzmills.typepad.com/blog/  
511. crafty-kitty-crochet.blogspot.com  
512. mylittlecraftyworld.blogspot.com/  
513. www.harmonyandrosie.blogspot.com/  
514. kizzy-knits.blogspot.com  
515. www.neverenoughstah.blogspot.com  
516. dawnheesequilts.blogspot.com/  
517. www.frawcraw.com  
518. crochet-capers.blogspot.com/  
519. littlemandarinka.blogspot.com  
520. www.mystudiobellingham.com  
521. ronnieshappyblog.blogspot.com/  
522. myfantastictoys.blogspot.com/  
523. calicokateoriginals.blogspot.com/  
524. fiveminutespeace-kim.blogspot.co.nz/  
525. Www.lifeathollycottage.wordpress.com  
526. craftingcollege.wordpress.com/  
527. www.52hobbies.blogspot.com  
528. doublenickelquilts.blogspot.com/  
529. scrappintimes-gail.blogspot.com/  
530. www.yardagegirl.blogspot.com  
531. universdeshatam.blogspot.com/  
532. www.jeanettespatch.blogspot.com  
533. knittingwithsandrasingh.blogspot.com/  
534. machineembroiderycrafts.blogspot.com/  
535. www.caracoloax.blogspot.com/  
536. entropyundone.blogspot.com  
537. www.littlecottagecomforts.blogspot.com/  
538. joeycraftworkz.blogspot.com/  
539. colettemoscrop.blogspot.com/  
540. www.mondgras.de  
541. underagibbousmoon.blogspot.com/  
542. www.cardmakingbird.blogspot.com  
543. www.craftyintrigue.blogspot.com/  
544. fashionjewels.co/  
545. lillianns-schreibwerkstatt.blogspot.com/  
546. craftynataliesblog.blogspot.com  
547. 4evercrochet.blogspot.com  
548. threedawgladydesigns.blogspot.com/  
549. catherineshandmadecards.blogspot.com/  
550. makingsnmusings.blogspot.com/  
551. ourlifeinthewhitehouse.blogspot.co.uk  
552. daffodil2012.blogspot.com/  
553. yarnberry.blogspot.com/  
554. goonergirl-craftingheaven.blogspot.com/  
555. www.icouldbefake.com  
556. thepinkoleshack.blogspot.com/  
557. threadsofconversation.blogspot.com  
558. www.craftyshenanigans.blogspot.com/  
559. www.sewrayme.co.uk  
560. ushasrikumar.blogspot.in/  
561. tulip-cottage.blogspot.com/  
562. www.sussexmouse.blogspot.com/  
563. seetalktochrissy.blogspot.com  
564. tohavemoxie.blogspot.com/  
565. porunatetanofuevaca.blogspot.com/  
566. frillsnflowers.blogspot.com  
567. sewnowwearefour.blogspot.com.html  
568. lilustudios.blogspot.com  
569. fantasticfamilyfinds.blogspot.com/  
570. natashaleblanc.blogspot.com/  
571. kardiomuffelchen.blogspot.com  
572. www.greenrabbitdesigns.co.uk  
573. www.justbeautifulsimplicity.blogspot.com  
574. craftingismybliss.wordpress.com/  
575. www.raccooncreekquilts.blogspot.com/  
576. www.konakrafter.blogspot.com/  
577. monkeyseemonkeydo-jennifer.blogspot.com  
578. www.kre8ivelife.blogspot.com.au  
579. lrdesignsquilting.com/blog/  
580. www.zigozagocraft.wordpress.com  
581. homeofhandmadethings.wordpress.com  
582. pastimesquiltdesign.blogspot.com  
583. www.vettaluminosa.blogspot.it/  
584. www.craftfoxes.com/blog  
585. dishclothdiaries.blogspot.com/  
586. imcelebratinglife.com/  
587. imcelebratinglife.com/category/crafts  
588. nessaknit.blogspot.com.au/  
589. lifesjewelsonstring.blogspot.de/  
590. squirrelsknittingconquests.blogspot.co.uk  
591. thegaugewars.blogspot.com/  
592. goonergirl-craftingheaven.blogspot.com  
593. lpcrafts.blogspot.com.au/  
594. thefluffycardy.blogspot.com.au/  
595. dorothydoes.tumblr.com/  
596. lpcrafts.blogspot.com.au  
597. http;//bridgitsbell.blogspot.com  
598. forkfabz.blogspot.com  
599. ouroldhomestead.blogspot.com/  
600. lizofdandeliondaydreams.blogspot.co.uk/  
601. bekahduhandmade.wordpress.com  
602. creativechaosart.blogspot.co.uk/  
603. methedrowsybee.blogspot.com  
604. www.lets-make-greeting-cards.com  
605. auntymoggsblog.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/socks-are-taking-over/  
606. talkingtrashwastingtime.blogspot.com.au/  
607. hattiemaeknits.com/  
608. beebeesvintagedress.blogspot.co.uk/  
609. www.willsavenine.com  
610. Www.latetocreate.com  
611. piskycove.blogspot.co.uk/  
612. craftyinthemed.blogspot.com.es/  
613. CrimsonMoonCrafts.blogspot.com/  
614. www.quintonwench.com  
615. chdevelopments.blogspot.com/  
616. luluslifeathomefreo.blogspot.com.au/  
617. booilley.blogspot.ca/  
618. crochetnirvana.weebly.com/blog  
619. themasonbee.blogspot.co.uk/  
620. tampabaycrochet.blogspot.com  
621. pixxiwitchdesigns.blogspot.co.uk  
622. myhobbiesplace.blogspot.com/  
623. www.searchingforthegood.blogspot.com  
624. www.creatingathome.com  
625. miajonique.blogspot.com/  
626. she3655-dreamscancometrue.blogspot.co.uk/  
627. www.missygdesigns2009.blogspot.com  
628. www.mahlimoo.com  
629. blog.lulalouise.com/  
630. obliviousunction.blogspot.com/  
631. www.sezzaknits.blogspot.com  
632. tartarsandteacups.wordpress.com/d-i-y/  
633. www.ghquilting.com  
634. dane.et.le.crochet.blog.free.fr/  
635. leslieunfinished.blogspot.com/  
636. makeiteasycrafts.blogspot.com  
637. naomi-thisisme.blogspot.com  
638. crochetdebea.blogspot.com.es/  
639. and-sew-it-seams.blogspot.com.au/  
640. collectingmymarbles.blogspot.co.nz/  
641. meadowbrook-Kristen.blogspot.com/  
642. www.ningtagleclark.blogspot.com.au  
643. www.ningtagleclark.blogspot.com  
644. laughlivecreate.blogspot.com/  
645. crochetkari.blogspot.in/  
646. ellouise88.blogspot.co.uk/  
647. www.unravelandmend.blogspot.co.uk  
648. fleurcotton.blogspot.com  
649. www.sewcaroline.com  
650. theselittlewagons.blogspot.com/  
651. mauscreations.blogspot.in/  
652. www.wherethelionsroar.blogspot.com  
653. piecesofwonderful.blogspot.com  
654. www.michellemadethis.blogspot.com  
655. www.blackbirdhasspoken.blogspot.co.nz  
656. beingzhenya.wordpress.com  
657. thebloomingtimes.blogspot.com  
658. www.shivayanaturals.com  
659. christinapurls.blogspot.com/  
660. madesimpleandsweet.blogspot.com/  
661. kmcrafts.blogspot.com.au/  
662. noseycritters.blogspot.com/  
663. yvonnecreatief.blogspot.com  
664. alshasspace.blogspot.com.au/  
665. spyder-spyderscorner.blogspot.co.uk/  
666. dragonsmoore.blogspot.co.uk/  
667. bapsiknits.blogspot.com  
668. lindalstrikk.blogspot.no/  
669. alyandboos.blogspot.com  
670. northstaryarns.blogspot.co.uk/  
671. www.knottyville.blogspot.in  
672. tangledthreadsstitching.blogspot.com/  
673. whatsmummyupto.blogspot.com.au  
674. shebafudge.blogspot.co.uk/  
675. istitchthrefore.blogspot.co.uk/  
676. www.chatterboxstitchers.co.uk/  
677. serendipitousstitching.blogspot.com  
678. poppypatchwork.blogspot.co.uk/  
679. www.yarnsfromdownunder.com/  
680. www.justanotherflamingo.blogspot.com  
681. kimiikins.blogspot.com/  
682. pinkyscraftiness.blogspot.com.au/  
683. mysweetlittleplace.blogspot.com  
684. allittakesisavision.blogspot.com/  
685. quiltdoodledesigns.blogspot.com/  
686. createfrankly.blogspot.com/  
687. miniowner.blogspot.co.uk/  
688. oldmagnoliatree.blogspot.ie/  
689. becominggrammy.blogspot.com/  
690. decortoadore.blogspot.com/  
691. kraftykrook.blogspot.in/  
692. allstitchedupbyemma.blogspot.co.uk/  
693. hattiespurls.com/  
694. joysze.blogspot.com  
695. lelojuweeltjes.blogspot.com  
696. pixxiwitchdesigns.blogspot.co.uk/  
697. www.mumaroo.blogspot.com.au  
698. SewBastedIWannaPurl.com  
699. cosmicstrawberry-colette.blogspot.co.uk/  
700. www.manycreativegifts.blogspot.com  
701. luckydawns.blogspot.co.uk/  
702. www.EmmaLyonsCraftyDesigns.blogspot.co.uk  
703. kristengettingcrafty.blogspot.com  
704. dreamsofnyssa.blogspot.com  
705. sailawaywithdharper.blogspot.com  
706. craftycakecreative.blogspot.co.nz/  
707. www.kluckingbear.blogspot.com  
708. diapermum.blogspot.com  
709. lindagknits.wordpress.com  
710. lyallii.blogspot.co.nz/  
711. thecraftypoppet.tumblr.com  
712. opshopjunkie.blogspot.com.au/  
713. betsybluebags.blogspot.co.uk/  
714. asktracyann.crochethappy.com/  
715. www.crochethappy.com  
716. www.hensrule.blogspot.com  
717. rosinebolla.com  
718. stamp-n-doodle.blogspot.ca/  
719. bold-ivy.blogspot.com.au  
720. moniquesmess.blogspot.com.au/  
721. youtique.blogspot.com  
722. schokominza.blogspot.de  
723. www.feltedbutton.com/  
724. crochetapy.blogspot.ca  
725. www.artsytartsy.org  
726. thecuriouskiwi.wordpress.com  
727. tigerscraftycrafts.wordpress.com/  
728. blueeyedbeautyblogg.blogspot.com  
729. pigstails.blogspot.com/  
730. themindpurge.blogspot.com/  
731. madeinoxford.wordpress.com  
732. sewblissfullyhappy.blogspot.co.uk/  
733. liefselse.blogspot.nl  
734. morestarsincomanche.blogspot.com  
735. barbiejknits.blogspot.com  
736. amaidenhairfern.blogspot.com  
737. www.hattiespurls.com  
738. www.pojokmerenda.blogspot.com  
739. puffylittlethings.blogspot.com  
740. mirincondelcrochet.wordpress.com/  
741. cattivocandle.com  
742. craftismysanity.blogspot.com  
743. www.littlehomeblessings.com/  
744. kswjewellery.typepad.com  
745. picotbytorhild.wordpress.com/  
746. 3and3quarters.wordpress.com  
747. sewblissfull.blogspot.co.uk/  
748. thegiraffesmoustache.blogspot.co.uk/  
749. lazydaisyjones.blogspot.co.uk/  
750. indiedyer.wordpress.com/  
751. www.pontysnout.blogspot.com  
752. astashaddict.co.uk/category/blog/  
753. mscreations27.blogspot.in/  
754. theknittingexploitsofjosiekitten.blogspot.co.uk/  
755. lauraohdesigns.blogspot.com/2013/01/universal-craft-blog-directory.html  
756. sizdebuyrun.blogspot.com  
757. www.getyourkniton.tumblr.com  
758. darnloopy.blogspot.co.uk/  
759. www.plushkacraft.blogspot.com.au  
760. gocceargentate.blogspot.dk/  
761. italianscrapaholicgal.blogspot.it/  
762. literaryladybug.blogspot.com/  
763. pipecleanerpets.blogspot.com/  
764. speckledsydney.wordpress.com  
765. mychellem.blogspot.com  
766. cinderella-creative-wereld.blogspot.nl/  
767. www.ichewthefat.com  
768. thesimplyprimshoppeprimitives.blogspot.com/  
769. littlethingsblogged.blogspot.gr/  
770. bkcraftsandkeystones.blogspot.co.nz/  
771. mscreations27.blogspot.com  
772. mahagowri.blogspot.in/  
773. Artycrafty.wordpress.com  
774. foamofdays.wordpress.com/  
775. typemodern.blogspot.com  
776. playingwithdyes.wordpress.com/  
777. lisasteatime.blogspot.com  
778. beachpurl.blogspot.co.uk/  
779. esunmundoamigurumi.blogspot.com/  
780. villapernilla.blogspot.se  
781. www.oombawka.blogspot.ca  
782. dorfymid.blogspot.com  
783. www.tesorojewellery.com/handcrafted-jewellery-blog/  
784. www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6723615153175314824#pageelements  
785. boocoos.blogspot.com  
786. artedetei.blogspot.com.es/  
787. alu-curiosidades.blogspot.mx/  
788. http:.//CraftyLinks.com  
789. geturpaintingworld.blogspot.in/  
790. www.projectkatie.blogspot.com  
791. www.arabesque-scissors.com  
792. bluejeanscoffeeandfriends.blogspot.com/  
793. www.creativelysassy.com  
794. mazkwok.blogspot.com/  
795. colourblog-ivn.blogspot.de/  
796. anothersundaygirl.blogspot.co.uk/  
797. www.glitterartfit.blogspot.com  
798. glitterartfit.blogspot.com  
799. craftygirl.me  
800. christinafancypants.blogspot.com  
801. heartworkz.blogspot.com.au/  
802. backtosew.blogspot.com/  
803. littlepinkrosequiltingandsewing.blogspot.com/  
804. behind-the-hedgerow.com/  
805. organizeandcraft.wordpress.com/  
806. learningcurvecrafts.blogspot.com  
807. themultifacetedmatron.blogspot.ca/  
808. rainsbowselkie.blogspot.com  
809. ellaandnesta.blogspot.it/  
810. houseofpixies.blogspot.com/  
811. georginaledlie.blogspot.com.au/  
812. www.fantasycraftblog.com  
813. planetpearl.blogspot.co.nz  
814. button-button.co.uk  
815. stitchnpurl.wordpress.com  
816. blog.monsteryarns.co.uk  
817. sproutingcreativewings.blogspot.com.au/  
818. gaiascrochet.blogspot.com/  
819. lollyjane.com  
820. byhandartesanato.blogs.sapo.pt  
821. soapprezzies.blogspot.com.au/  
822. renewingmrssewsew.blogspot.com/  
823. www.quiltinglines.com/  
824. little-boscraftyplace.blogspot.com/  
825. sparklingblackrose-craftmylife.blogspot.co.uk/  
826. welshcraftersmagazine.blogspot.co.uk/  
827. littlequailcreated.blogspot.com/  
828. littlequailcreated.blogspot.com  
829. teacupsandyarn.blogspot.co.uk/  
830. dekatessera.wordpress.com/  
831. www.fondantfibre.com  
832. www.dunistudio.com  
833. texturedfairytale.blogspot.com  
834. girlsweargreen.co.uk  
835. sewsensational.wordpress.com  
836. kat-craftingwiththenightowl.blogspot.co.uk/  
837. berkanafairy.blogspot.com  
838. bloglaunchfemininetouch.blogspot.co.uk/  
839. kismetscompanion.blogspot.co.uk  
840. todosilvestre.blogspot.com.ar  
841. sassyseamstress2.blogspot.com/  
842. www.sanderellas1.com  
843. sanderellas1.com  
844. myfrozensunshine.blogspot.com  
845. creatingforacure.blogspot.com/  
846. www.myfrozensunshine.blogspot.com/  
847. stephiesstitching.blogspot.co.uk/  
848. cuckistitchingcove.blogspot.com/  
849. heathersstitchingstory.blogspot.co.uk/  
850. swinkgirlsquilts.blogspot.com/  
851. Thoughtsfromthestitchyside.blogspot.com  
852. www.rhumbrecht.com  
853. www.catherinemakes.com  
854. anastitch.blogspot.com/  
855. bybegnaud.blogspot.com/  
856. custercottage.blogspot.com  
857. risosebrincadeiras.blogspot.com  
858. zarabadim.blogspot.com  
859. patchworkposse.com  
860. www.plushiepatterns.com  
861. www.needlefelteddog.com  
862. sparklesideup.blogspot.com  
863. internationalstitcher.blogspot.ca/  
864. needlefeltedtreasures.com/  
865. thewoollyavenger.blogspot.co.nz/  
866. tweloquilting.blogspot.com/  
867. hookedonyarncake.blogspot.com/  
868. causticcrochet.blogspot.com/  
869. www.ananasa.com/blog/  
870. www.intocraft.com.au/  
871. minnasdollhouses.blogspot.com  
872. www.alisonscraftybitzandbobs.blogspot.com  
873. marysemakethings.blogspot.com/  
874. www.love2bloom.blogspot.com  
875. e-crochet.blogspot.gr/  
876. crafterinthemaking.com/  
877. deetje2.blogspot.com  
878. quarterincher.blogspot.com/  
879. creativepurpleveggies.blogspot.com/  
880. elisabethandree.wordpress.com  
881. www.sewwhatsherlock.com  
882. ifonlyicouldcrochet.blogspot.co.uk/  
883. www.sewprettywitty.blogspot.com  
884. thecraftyphoenixlady.blogspot.co.uk/  
885. www.cravingsomecreativity.com/  
886. tedandfriends-julzc.blogspot.com.au/  
887. ovenfulofyarn.blogspot.com  
888. www.craftmakerpro.com/  
889. www.yarnandpencil.blogspot.co.uk  
890. ivylightfoot.wordpress.com  
891. www.annasoer.blogspot.com  
892. atthehoneysuckletree.blogspot.com/  
893. whitenroses.blogspot.it/  
894. laurenstitches.blogspot.com  
895. thistlebearhome.com  
896. crazylittlelovebirds.blogspot.com  
897. artjournallingscrapbooking1.blogspot.com.au/  
898. acatlikecuriosity.blogspot.co.uk/  
899. dionnequiltuplets.com/  
900. flatsheep.wordpress.com/  
901. cookcleancraft.com  
902. www.titacarre.com  
903. natalushka34.blogspot.ru/  
904. www.kraftpaperguide.com  
905. radishblossoms.blogspot.com  
906. neriann28.blogspot.co.uk/  
907. crochetbuddies.blogspot.com.es/  
908. amongstthewool.blogspot.co.uk  
909. bostonknitter.blogspot.com  
910. dschniiderin.com/  
911. www.theknit.co.uk/blog  
912. www.plutoniummuffins.com/  
913. pleasureinstitching.blogspot.co.uk  
914. simplecraftsbysherry.blogspot.com/  
915. smallofferings.weebly.com/blog  
916. mcintyreknits.blogspot.com  
917. www.bookbar.ch  
918. delusionalknitter.blogspot.com  
919. www.socutemag.com  
920. raspberrysunshine.com  
921. crochetapy.blogspot.ca/  
922. thecraftycreek.wordpress.com/  
923. craftsmommy.blogspot.in/  
924. www.quilt-sewhappy.blogspot.com  
925. crazylittlelovebirds.blogspot.com/  
926. porfiris.blogspot.gr/  
927. nithyajeyaram.blogspot.in/  
928. Beatrizdesigns  
929. borduurbloemfan.blogspot.be/  
930. www.ashandcrafts.com  
931. iknead2knit.com  
932. www.lindobu.com/ribbons-buttons-blog/  
933. turtlesandcoquies.blogspot.com/  
934. iknead2knt.com  
935. positivelycrochet.blogspot.com/  
936. dawn-dawnscrfting.blogspot.com  
937. www.etsyblog.net  
938. www.bluechairdiary.blogspot.com  
939. screentostitch.com  
940. hookedonstitches.blogspot.ca/2015/05/you-melt-my-heart-sewing-box-finish.html  
941. vanaqb.blogspot.com/  
942. cinscortes.blogspot.com  
943. kuripotadventure.blogspot.com  
944. www.knotthistimemom.com/  
945. theteakettlecorner.blogspot.com  
946. craftyguild.com/  
947. chittenden.co.za/blog/vulcan-3d-chess-set/  
948. confessionsofasincitycraftaddict.com/  
949. www.lokyacrafts.blogspot.com  
950. www.nonarrativelines.com/en/contact_en/  
951. myperfectstorm.co.uk  
952. patchworkcreations1.blogspot.com/  
953. devilishlydelightfulcrochet2.blogspot.com/  
954. threadlover.com  
955. made-by-raki.blogspot.rs/  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Fabulous idea. There are so so many craft blogs out there and it is always interesting to discover some new ones. :)

  2. Fantastic. Good luck with it. I will spread the word this week.

  3. Fin idea! I'm joining in.

  4. I joined but I messed up the link the first time. Can you delete links that aren't right? If so delete the http://rosescraft.blogspot.com as that's incorrect.


  5. Mine isn't purely crafting... I'm just getting into it really. if I don't fit the bill, I won't be offended :)

  6. Great idea! Will blog about this in my next post.

  7. What an excellent idea. Will work on adding the button to my web page over the next few days and then come back and add my link - in the meantime - lots of new crafty blogs to explore!

  8. Great idea - can this be added to an extra page on your blog?x

  9. Fab idea - would be great to be able to add pictures and bios and group like types of craft together in the future.

    I fully appreciate that this is your little labour of love in your spare time though so very well done for getting it together.

  10. Done! what a fantastic Idea! will blog about it over the weekend.

  11. I think I may have put mine in twice! Apologies if I have! I have put your button on myu blog too.

  12. Wonderful idea, thanks for hosting it!

  13. Rie, this is a fantastic idea! Thanks for directing me here :)


  14. Great idea Rie. I bet the list will get HUGE! Exciting!

  15. What a great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. You blog is very interesting idea!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Nice to meet you!


  17. wow, look at all those crafty blogs! Fabulous!

    Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl

  18. Thank you so much for the linky!!

  19. This is pure brilliance! I am a bit excited about this, yay :)

  20. Great idea. I have also shared on FB. Sue x

  21. fabulous! Thanks! I will blog about it tomorrow! xx Rach

  22. Wonderful collaboration! I've added the badge to my blog and will post about it this week as well! Thanks Rie!

  23. Awesome, awesome, awesome idea! I've linked up and can't wait to check out all the other great crafty blogs! I offer lots of great giveaways on my blog as well, sometimes even craft supplies, so I'd love for you to visit!


  24. Brilliant idea :). All linked up and will include in a post this week. Thanks Rie.

  25. Such a fantastic idea! Thank you for creating this for everyone :)

  26. Just wanted to let you know that I added the link to my "Blog Hopping" page.

  27. Just added mine and grabbed your button. Thanks so much!!

  28. great idea! I've added my link and will put your button on my blog right now :) I'll mention your directory in my next post. Thanks! :)

  29. Great idea. Thanks for the invite. I've linked up my blog.

  30. MAY I PLEASE BE ADDED! I would be honored to be in such awesome company!


  31. Love this new blog directory but everytime I come back to it, the order has changed! I have to open every link to try to find where I left off! Other than that, I love it.

  32. Great idea and great to be part of it :D

  33. This is a really great idea...it should become a valuable resource for us all :)x

  34. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  35. Very good idea! I have just linked up! Thanks

  36. thanks for the invite! can't wait to spend a day checking out new blogs :) i'll be posting a link on mine!

  37. Rie, what a great idea! Thanks for doing this :o)

  38. Thanks for the invite.
    I've linked up my blog.

    I invite yours to visit my blog, and participate on the Giveaway until 16th day!


  39. Thank you for the invite, as well! I just added the link to my blog sidebar. I am going to enjoy peeking at the other "crafty blogs"! It's a wonderful idea! Hugs, Janice

  40. Gorgeous idea!
    Thanks for the email.
    I hope my link worked. x

  41. It's a nice idea,I would partecipate!

  42. Wow... that's one brilliant (and growing)list! Just about to add to it too! :)
    The SpaNGleR@
    The Quick Unpick

  43. Thanks Rie for the offer of a link, great idea, now off to do a blog post too :O) Viv xx

  44. Fab, I've joined. Good Luck

  45. Thank you for your invitation! and added my blog!

  46. Thank you!

    Blogged about here:

    And on Facebook. Hope the word spreads!

    Eveningsong Ink

  47. Thanks for the invite!
    Added, buttoned and blogged :)

  48. Thanks for the email Rie, I have added my link and put your button on my blog. What a good idea this is!
    Julie:) xx

  49. Just joined in. Thanks for inviting me! x

  50. Wonderful idea and very happy to join in.

  51. Wonderful idea, thank you!
    greetings Claudia

  52. Brilliant idea, thank you. Take care, Lyn x

  53. FABULOUS IDEA ....have spread the word in a posta and a link ,
    XX Manda XX

  54. Hi Rie, thanks so much for the invite. What a fabulous list of bloggers. I'm in heaven. Have joined and linked. Hugs, Chris

  55. Awesome idea!!

  56. Thanks so much for the invite. Fantastic idea!!!

    Natasha xx

  57. Fab idea, will be good to come and visit other blogs for inspiration.

  58. Love this new blog!!!!

  59. I love the idea, thank you.....

  60. Thank you for the opportunity! I look forward to providing tools to all the crafty artists out there!

  61. C'est une excellente idée.MERCI .

  62. Thanks for starting this- I am always amazed at all of the creative blogs out there!

  63. Great idea - I have added my link - thanks!
    What next? It would be great to maybe group the blogs in some way, eg quilting blogs, sewing blogs, not really sure, but maybe some broad groups so they could be navigated easily??? Having said that, I kinda like the "lucky dip" approach too! Nic

  64. Great Idea, I just posted my link. I look forward to checking out some of the other blogs listed.

  65. wonderful idea... thank you for leading to a world of learning new things..

  66. Just found this site, a big Hello from up here in Canada. I will be checking in regularly.

  67. Ooopss, I think I added my link twice! Hope that isn't too annoying for you. Love the idea, thank you :)

  68. interesting post. Now you can use this indian companies directory to promote crafts supplies import & export business.

  69. I have sent in my details to add to the list. Thanks! The list is growing nicely!

  70. Great idea. I have just added my link....it looks as if your list is growing and growing !! :-)


    at Crafty in the Med

  71. Anonymous13 June, 2012

    Thanks in advance and good luck, www.craftyrie.com ! :)

  72. What a wonderful idea! I have added my link and added the pic to my blog. I will be posting about this soon. I think this can keep us busy surfing for yeeeaaars. So thank you very much.
    Long Live CraftyRie :)

  73. je me suis inscrite j' espère que ça a fonctionné a bientôt biz

  74. Brilliant idea, can't wait to sit and have a trawl though these lovely craft blogs....xxx

  75. I love the idea of this. It's a great way of connecting bloggers. I've joined and added it onto my facebook ac but I'm having one problem. Every time that I try to copy and paste the button, blogspot won't let me and tells me that either it contains illegal characters or that it is broken. What am I doing wrong?? I'm useless at computers is probably it!!!

  76. What a great idea! Is there any way to alphabetize the list in the future?

  77. I LOVE this!!! I just linked up my blog: Blue Eyed Beauty! I will be adding the button to my Connect page and sharing this with my readers on Wednesday in my Wednesday Weekly Review #14!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  78. Brilliant, all done and dusted. Button added and blogged about. Thanks for putting up the directory!

  79. Lovely idea, so easy to find a crafty blog now, I am a crochet addict, so nice to find more crochet fans on here, thanks....
    Daisy J

  80. Hi;very nice application.Thanks :)))

  81. Done! Thanks a lot for the chance, it's a very nice initiative!
    Greetings by an Italian scrapper!!

  82. Thanks for the opportunity and availability to find other crafty blogs. :0)

  83. Thanks for sharing, I added my blog. So many creative people out there! Added craftyrie button too!

  84. Great initiative. Have added a button and will write a post with this and a few other housekeeping things soon. Lots of inspiration out there!

    adding the button to my blog and off to follow you to
    hugs xo

  86. Hi, Done. Such a lovely idea.
    Thank you for having me.
    hugs, Joey

  87. I just came across this awesome list! I'm a full time crafter, so I added my link and put your button on my blog! Thanks for this!

  88. I love this blog, so happy I found it. I am still trying to add button. I'm a work in progress.

  89. This is really nice idea. Thanks for share this...Web Development Company

  90. Super idea!
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  91. Brilliant Idea will pop your logo on my blog and see if I can get my crafty friends involved. Alison x

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  93. Is this still going on? Either Way...it's a good way to find some other craft blogs!

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