14 July, 2011

De-Stash Giveaway

A little spring cleaning (in the middle of winter) has found me with lots of craft stuff that I'm never going to use and it needs to go to a good home.......   so I'm giving it away!!!

There are lots of goodies to win like yarn, embroidery stuff, handmade paper, fabric, card stock, buttons, scrapbook decals, pretty pins, kits, fancy elastic, knitting stuff etc etc (more stuff than what is shown)... and it will all go to one lucky person! 

So, how to enter?   Simple....
 - You must be a follower of my blog - just add a comment below to state that you are.
ou can be a new follower (by clicking the  blue JOIN THIS SITE button on the top right hand corner) or you can be an old follower (hey there!) .  The giveaway is open for all followers no matter where you live in this gorgeous world of ours!

 - For an extra chance to win (and a fun thing), have a De-Stash Giveaway on your blog  and add a link to your De-Stash Giveaway in another comment below. That way we can pop on over to your website & enter & have a peek around your blog.  It can be a big De-Stash or a small De-Stash, it's up to you!  

I'll leave this giveaway open for an extra week, so it will give you a chance to organise your De-Stash & link back.

I'll reply to initial comments to remind the entrants to pop back & check out the rest of the comments to enter the other De-Stash giveaways!

Entries close 31st July 2011
And the lucky winner will be drawn on the 1st August 2011

Good luck!


  1. i'm already a follower! i'd love the chance to get these goodies :) gooberific@yahoo.com

  2. Anonymous14 July, 2011

    Oh pick me, pick me Rie :-)
    I do wish I had more time to get into the craft things, but any day I can do some knitting, sewing or I am trying to teach myself to crochet again it a fantastic day :-)

  3. Holy moly woman, I can hear the determination from here! Not sure I can quite organise my own act at the mo - there are pom pombings to make...

  4. I'm a follower! Such beautiful things!!

  5. wow! I follow by Google Reader. Thanks for this chance.

  6. Hello from hot and humid Nova Scotia. Thanks for the getting in touch Rie. I do love a giveaway and yours is awesome. Especially those cute little pins.

  7. Hello from wild and windy Sydney! I am a follower and will be keeping my fingers crossed!!

  8. Rie, thanks for this giveaway. Love this de stash and love your blog :)

  9. Anonymous20 July, 2011

    I just love the fabric and the pretty pins! Thanks for sharing.

  10. I'm a follower!
    Count me in please!

  11. I'm a follower! I'm not convinced that I NEED more stash, but hey, I can't resist!

  12. I'm de-stashing a hairbow I made extra (out of scraps) on my blog - giveaway ends tonight http://thecraftingfiend.blogspot.com/2011/07/give-away.html

  13. Yeah! I'm a follower. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I should really take you up on the challenge to de-stash my own stuff, but I don't have a blog. Thanks again!

  14. Yes! I follow you, however far that goes. What I really mean to say is that I want your stuff!

  15. Thank you for inviting me to your giveaway! I've had a peak around your blog and I like your photos. I'm now a follower.

  16. I'm a follower, thank you)

  17. oh how cute is that I'm a follower and I'm having a give away on my blog. I'm giving a way some needle felted goodies that I have made and are taking up room in my shelf. They need a new home everyone so I hope you come and have a look. It's a few posts back though.

  18. Thank you for the chance to win your castoffs, lol!!! My stash is so tiny that it's not even a stash at this point, so no reciprocal giveaways from me. Sorry.

  19. Awesome! I'm a new follower. Thanks!

  20. Ohh, more craft supplies! Dare I? I do!

    I have a de-stash awaiting me too, but not until we get everything out of storage and I try and fit it all in the new house. :)

  21. I would love to add your stash to mine... I actually picked up a pair of boys boxers size 2 in the chicken and egg fabric you have at our local op shop... Favourite boys find ever... I am a follower!!

    Xo Steph

  22. I am a new follower! thanks for the fun giveaway! congrats to you on destashing!

  23. I'm a follower! Thank you for the opportunity!

  24. i am a new follower
    sign me in in the giveaway
    adriana dias

  25. I'm a follower :D

  26. Anonymous23 July, 2011

    I'm a new follower! I need to do this. I still have baby blue organza leftover from my daughter's Halloween costume. What am I ever going to do with that??

  27. i am following..
    i should probably destash too..


  28. what a lovely collection to add to my stash! thanks for the giveaway-i'm a follower.

  29. I follow via GFC as kittysclearance


  30. Anonymous24 July, 2011


    I'm a new follower! All I have to say is oooohhh shiny!

  31. I am a follower of your blog.. and who doesn't love goodies!! Whoot whoo!!

  32. I am a new follower of your blog! De-stashing is always good; just finished weeding through my art books and passing them on to my daughter.

  33. I'm a follower, and would love to stash your destash! Thanks!

  34. thanks for the chance to win!I'll have to do a de-stash giveaway soon...but first I have to organise my craft room!

  35. I'm a new follower! Looking forward to following you! One woman's de-stash is another woman's treasure! Count me in!!

  36. I'm a new follower, what a wonderful giveaway. I liked your post about the stitch markers because it reminds me of every time I try a new craft. There are always secret handshakes to figure out.

  37. I am a new follower. Love your giveaway, I am a knitter, sewer, love embroidery and applique, quilting.... Look at my blog for examples......

  38. thanks for give me a chance to join this giveaway. I never think anyone will hold a craft stuff giveaway.
    I really like made a craft or some DIY project and I've made some by my own hand.

  39. I've followed your blog :)

  40. I posted it on my blog :)


    i really want that fabric. looks so cute and made me think of DIY that I want to make later.
    pick me please :D

  41. I am new follower..
    Glad to found your blog..
    "Strangers who became friends........" :D

  42. I have done everything that u said :)
    here's my email: twosisters8795@hotmail.com

    (here is post about ur giveaway)

  43. I am a new follower on GFC

    Janet B
    granitjb at gmail dot com

  44. Oh what a great way to de-stash :-)
    I'm a follower.

  45. Hi, I am a new folower, love a chance to win. I love fabric.

  46. I'm following! And, of course, I'd love to help you de-stash!

  47. I'm following. I don't have a blog but I just did a major de-stash. Although I really hate to part with any fabric, I was stern and into the Deseret Industry's pile it went. I even put in patterns. I gave my daughter-in-law all my cross stitch patterns, thread and canvas. I especially gave her an unfinished project which deep down I'm hoping she'll want to tackle. I still have stuff but it's a lot less. If I can just stay out of the fabric store!

  48. I'm a follower: JLR22
    Thanks for giving up some of your stash!

  49. I am a follower! Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  50. I'm already a follower. I'd love to get some of your crafty nature, but since that isn't possible, some of your crafty materials is a great second.

  51. I'm a follower. It feels so good to go through the stash and clear some of it out.

  52. I am a follower!! Thanks for the chance!

  53. I am following you! The duck fabric is adorable. "Duck Duck is my DD's nickname. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  54. I'm a new follower!


  55. just became a follower :)

    looking forward to enjoying reading and seeing the crafts on your blog :)
