08 June, 2009

Winter Woollies part 2

Ok, I don't normally invite strangers into my bedroom - but I just had to show you!
Yes, I have pulled all my handmade blankets out of storage because it's winter time here in Australia and being that I am here in Melbourne - it gets cold at night!

The top blanket is my own creation, granny square madness!
This is my second finished crochet blanket - round & round I went!This third is a crochet blanket my mum made & gave to her baby girl - me!

And yes, my bed is purple! My partner made it for us as an anniversary gift - my gift to him was a handknitted jumper. I knitted that jumper for about 5 years when I eventually admitted defeat & restitched it to become a blanket & gave it a charity!


  1. They're great - I love handmade blankets :) K

  2. These are really beautiful!

  3. Anonymous11 June, 2009

    Noticed you following my blog so came over to yours for a look :) So glad I did.

    Loving the blankets and colourful photos.

    Happy crafting.

  4. Anonymous13 June, 2009

    Hello Rie, your blankie looks fantastic - perfect combination of the colours :)

  5. Love the granny square blanket:)
    I stopped by to tell you I have awarded you with a Lovely blog award-you can stop by and read about it on my blog if you'd like-

  6. (((OMG))) AMAZING!!! Im totally at a loss for words - I cant wait to read through your blog today - Its SO nice to 'meet' you! XO

  7. I LOVE your blankets!!! So colorful!!


  8. so pretty! I love the colors in that.

  9. Lovely blog. I admire all your works. Great job. Keep it going.

    My mom does a lot of such stuff.. but you seem to be an expert. :)

    Do take a look at my blogs when you find time.

  10. Anonymous06 July, 2009

    Oh, lovely blanket, Rie! I love the colours too :)

  11. Beautiful colors. Your work makes me miss my grandmother so much. She was also a very talented crocheter. She tried to teach me but I couldn't do it. I was able to master knitting under her tutelage but never crochet. I especially love your Granny Square Madness, my grandma made a similiar blanket for my daughter when she was born. On this side of the world it's 86* out......xoSusan

  12. Hopped over to "meet" my newest Google follow reader and wow, I feel right at home. Flowers and crafts and crochet. Can't wait to read more.

    And, post specific, I adore these blankets. So lovely!!!


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