I'm ashamed to admit it... but I am already distracted by another project and still haven't finished the crochet blanket.
I ordered a Clover Quick Yo-Yo Maker from the Haby Goddess (love her web shop!) and so I have been making Yo-Yo's with my scraps.
I am not sure how many I will make nor what I will do with them once they have finished....but I have been making them and I have decided to be a good girl and I am sewing them together as I finish each - that way (hopefully) they will be turned into something useful rather than having a bag of individual yo-yos!
But, I also purchased the Bias Tape Maker as well....so goodness knows how long before I start making Bias!
........who has time to go to work when there are so many things to do at home.........
Visit the best haby shop around.... http://thehabygoddess.bigcartel.com/
Rie, Thanks so much for your kind words. You have done an amazing job with the yoyo's and are right about work that is why I started an Online haby shop - so it could become my work!!